Recent Report on abuse In Poland's Catholic Church is appalling, SNAP calls for secular action

A report issued today by the Catholic Church in Poland says that 292 clergymen sexually abused 368 boys and girls between 2018-2020. We urge secular authorities to investigate every diocese in the country, as it appears that the Church's appalling record on abuse continues unabated.

We also call on Vatican officials to do more than just punish a few Polish Bishops and Archbishops. The ongoing investigation of negligence by the now-retired Cardinal Dziwisz must be amplified and expedited. The first report on abuse cases from Poland listed 625 minors who suffered sexual abuse at the hands of 382 clergies. 42 previously named perpetrators re-appear in this current report. We hope that this does not mean that those dangerous men remained in ministry.

We believe this report must send a disheartening message to a country where faith in and devotion to the Catholic Church is so widespread. We encourage the believers in Poland to demand that external investigations begin immediately. It seems clear that the Church has done too little and that children are still in grave danger in Catholic communities in Poland. 

Despite the removal of Catholic officials, scathing documentaries, and these startling statistics, what needs to be done has not yet been accomplished, and that is a secular investigation. No apologies are necessary. We want accountability, responsibility, and protection for the most vulnerable, Polish children. 

CONTACT: Michael McDonnell, SNAP Communications Manager ([email protected],  267.261.0578), Zach Hiner, SNAP Executive Director ([email protected], 517.974.9009) 

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