Popular Priest Fathered Child and Says He’ll Step Aside

A telegenic American priest, widely known for his media commentary from Rome on popes, prayer and personal morality, has publicly acknowledged having an affair and fathering a child — the latest jolt to hit his scandal-torn religious order, the Legionaries of Christ.

The priest, the Rev. Thomas D. Williams, apologized in a statement on Tuesday “for this grave transgression” and “to everyone who is hurt by this revelation.” He said he would take a year off from public ministry to reflect on his transgressions and his “commitments as a priest” — a decision he said he made with his superiors.

Father Williams was the most visible American member of the Legionaries, a powerful and conservative Roman Catholic religious order that has been in turmoil since 2006, when its charismatic founder was banished by the Vatican to a life of prayer and penance.

The order’s founder, a Mexican priest na...


Read the whole story here: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/16/us/popular-priest-fathered-child-and-says-hell-step-aside.html?_r=2

Showing 2 comments

  • Kay Goodnow
    commented 2012-05-16 17:10:22 -0500
    Sometimes the things these priests say are totally unbelivable as well as incredible! He will step aside. How kind of him! How thoughtful! He has been behaving in a duplicitous manner all these years. What else is new?
  • John M Shuster
    commented 2012-05-16 11:01:42 -0500
    The priestly culture of saying one thing and doing another creates opportunities for blackmail and extortion – bread and butter for sexual predators. This is the reality of priestly culture that promotes and sustains an atmosphere of sexual abuse.

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