Phil Saviano Tells Survivors to Speak Out
Spotlight took home two Oscars for Best Original Screenplay and Best Picture, SNAP would like to acknowledge and congratulate them for the wonderful job they did in telling the story of survivors. We also recognize that the mission to end this abuse and to help survivors heal is an ongoing one. One of the survivors from the film, Phil Saviano, speaks about this fight in the following video, and he acknowledges there are still people that are keeping their abuse a secret, afraid to speak out.
In this 7 minute video clip from the 2015 SNAP Annual Conference in Washington D.C., Boston SNAP Leader Phil Saviano, who was portrayed in the film by actor Neil Huff, details on how he found out that the priest that abused him had also went on to abuse many other children. Up until seeing a Boston Globe article about the priest that had abused him, had allegedly abused two other children in Arizona, he had been silent about his abuse. His message is that when he spoke out about this priest, one act that he thought would be small and insignificant, it turned out to spark a big reaction nationwide as survivors all began to speak out against his same abuser.
In his 60 sec clip from the 2015 SNAP Annual Conference in Washington D.C. Phil wraps up his speech with a powerful message for people who are still keeping their abuse a secret.
If you are interested in learning more information about the 2016 conference where you will hear powerful messages like this: click here.
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Published on 26 May 2014
While on a course in Northern Ireland, Hanover College student Savanna Wofford talks to Father John Forsythe about community divisions in Belfast and hopes for reconciliation through youth programs like the Ulster Project.
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Pamela Hirsch
Pamela Hirsch3 weeks ago
That’s the priest who asked me for sex