PA-Philly archbishop won’t put Lynn back, SNAP responds

For immediate release: Friday, Jan. 3, 014

David Clohessy of St. Louis, Director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (314 566 9790, [email protected])

Philly Archbishop says, in a new letter to his flock, that he won’t put Msgr. William Lynn back on the job for now. But Chaput

--denies that Lynn is a flight risk,

--won’t say if Lynn will be re-assigned later,

--takes credit for doing things he’s required to do, and

--refuses to really explain why he continues to use the generous donations of Catholics to help proven wrongdoers

Here’s the message Chaput sends to Catholic employees by bailing out Lynn: “No matter how egregiously you misbehave and how many kids you endanger, we in the church hierarchy will continue to support you even if you’re found guilty at trial.”

In the letter, Chaput talks of “deeply flawed thinking and actions in the past” by Catholic officials in abuse cases. But by bailing Lynn out, Chaput shows that little is changing in the church hierarchy. Catholic officials have for decades helped their corrupt colleagues who have committed or concealed heinous crimes against children. And they’re still doing this.

In the letter, Chaput brags about alleged reforms he’s made regarding abuse. But it’s deceptive and self-serving for him to so when those steps are all mandatory. Virtually every move he’s made about clergy sex crimes and cover ups is part of the US bishops’ vague and weak abuse policy. It would be like a citizen bragging because he stops at red lights and pays income tax.  In clergy sex abuse and cover up cases, Chaput is doing only what he and his brother bishops pledged to do under unprecedented pressure from victims, Catholics, police, prosecutors and the press.

Policies, panels, procedures and protocols don’t protect kids. Decisive action protects kids. That’s what Chaput refuses to do – take harsh, clear disciplinary measures against those who hurt or let others hurt kids.

We’re glad Lynn’s not back on the job. We hope he never will be. And we hope that Chaput will stop helping proven wrongdoers and claiming reform while practicing recklessness, callousness and deceit.

Contact - David Clohessy (314-566-9790 cell, [email protected]), Barbara Dorris (314-503-0003 cell, [email protected]), Barbara Blaine (312-399-4747, [email protected]

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