PA--3 Franciscan ex-leaders charged in Pennsylvania abuse case
News 96.5 WDBO, The Associated Press, March 15, 2016
JOHNSTOWN, Pa. — Three ex-leaders of a Franciscan religious order were charged Tuesday with allowing a friar who was a known sexual predator to take on jobs, including a position as a high school athletic trainer, that enabled him to molest more than 100 children.
Giles Schinelli, 73; Robert D'Aversa, 69; and Anthony M. Criscitelli, 61, were successively the provincial ministers of a religious order of the Roman Catholic Church in western Pennsylvania from 1986 to 2010. In that role, each assigned and supervised the order's members.
Each was charged with conspiracy and child endangerment. Prosecutors said . . .
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-ALSO JANITOR GENE HUBERT RAN SEX RING OUT OF THE SCHOOL 3 OF US CAME FORWARD OF OUR RAPE TO DA OFFICE SHANNON SHARFOH AND DAVID ROSSI-CESARE-ERICKSON-DECKER—-STEVE ERICKSON SUPPLIED PICTURES TO DA OF JANITOR GENE HUBERT AT PARADOX LAKES WITH ANOTHER RAPE VICTIMS—-I ALSO CALLED GOV CUOMO OFFICE TO MAKE THEM AWARE AND THEY HAD ME ARRESTED AND PUT ME IN SOLIDARY CONFINEMENT-MY LAWYERS GOT EVERYTHING DROPED DUE TO CORRUPTION AT THE HIGHEST DEGREE—THE ALBANY DIOCESES OFFERED ME 60,000 FOR MENTAL HEALTH DUE TO BEING RAPED BY JANITOR—-I REFUSED OFFER BECAUSE THEY WANTED ME TO SIGN MY RIGHTS AWAY TO SUE I REFUSED OFFER——MICHAEL SHOVOH WHO WAS RAPED BY FATHER MECURE SUE DIOCESES AND IN A MOTION IN COURT THE SEALED RECORDS OF FATHER MECURE WAS OBTAINED AND FOUND AT MORE FRIENDS WERE RAPED AND THIER BROTHERS——DA OFFICE HAS DONE NOTHING IN THE 5 YRS SINCE I CAME FORWARD EVEN THOUGH SHANNON SHARFOH AT DA OFFICE STATED THEY STILL INVESTIGATE EVEN THOUGH STATUE OF LIMITATIONS HAS EXPIRED--I DONT BELIEVE THAT BULLSHIT—BUT WE WILL FIND OUT-I JUST HIRED A BIG LAW FIRM IN BOSTON MASS BECAUSE I DI HIRE A LAWYER IN ALBANY NY STEVE COFFEE FOR 10,000 AND GOT SOME DISTURBING FINDINGS —HE ONCE WORK WITH DA OFFICE HIMSELF—GET ITKudos indeed to victim-survivors and others willing to beginning speaking up, and in so doing, break through the conspiracy of silence around the institutional hypocrisy that has led a naive laity to trust that priests and religious may be trusted to be chaste and celibate. In spite of our doubts and suspicions about this hypocrisy, they all continued to get away with these soul murder crimes. The only thing that will ever end the age-old and worldwide exploitation of the young will be civil iinvestigation and the brave witness of victims, such as fthe ormer students when found the support and personal power to take redempting action. I have no doubt that the what we have learned about the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese and the Franciscans is but the tip of a huge iceberg just waiting to be exposed. Denver SNAP Director.
Most children abused in the Catholic Church would have never been harmed if church officials did the right thing. We hope these indictments will prompt all church officials to report information and suspicions to police. They should do all they can to stop sexual perpetrators, even if they are priests