Only weeks left to pass Ohio HB 322 - Together we can protect kids!
Do you live in Ohio? Your help is needed to protect children in your state.
House Bill 322 has passed the Ohio House and is now stuck in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The measure creates the offense of grooming, that prohibits any adult from engaging in a pattern of conduct with a juvenile if the adult and juvenile are in any sort of a relationship such as a priest, teacher, coach or relative.There are only a handful of weeks left to get this passed. If it does not pass the bill will die in December.
For 5 years the parents of Ohioans for Child Protection have worked to criminalize grooming a child for the purpose of sexual abuse in the wake of the Fr. Geoff Drew case.
Please call the Senate Judiciary Committee members listed below and urge them, and their fellow lawmakers, to support HB 322. If you have limited time please call the Senators in bold the most frequently. THANK YOU!
Possible script:
“I am a parent/grandparent/concerned citizen, please tell the Senator to support HB 322. Ohio needs to protect children from sexual abuse.
Senator Nathan Manning (Chair) 614-644-7613
Senate President Matt Huffman 614-466-7584
Senator Michele Reynolds (vice chair) 614-466-8064
Senator Paula Hicks-Hudson (ranking member) 614-466-5204
Senator Matt Dolan 614-466-8056
Senator Theresa Gavarone 614-466-8060
Senator Rob McColley 614-466-8150
Senator Kent Smith 614-466-4857
Please follow the Ohioans for Child Protection Facebook page for the most up to date calls to action