OH - Victims to leaflet at Mansfield area churches
They reach out to others who have been abused
Support group begs “Break your silence & get help”
“That’s best way to heal & protect others,” SNAP says
Hoping to find and help anyone who may have been molested by authority figures, child sex abuse victims will hand out fliers about their confidential support group to church-goers in the Mansfield area.
This Sunday, Dec. 22 from 9:30 a.m. until roughly noon, outside these four Mansfield churches:
9:30 a.m.--First Presbyterian Church (419-756-7066)
10:00 a.m.--Community Bible Church, 1043 Springmill Rd. (419-747-7986)
--Marion Avenue Grace Brethren Church, 531 Marion Ave. (419-522-3941)
--Sts. Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church, 265 West Third St. (419-526-0129)
Two women who say they were sexually assaulted as children by clerics. They belong to an independent international self-help group called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priest (NOTE – the organization helps ANYONE who was violated in ANY institutional setting, not just churches.)
At one of the churches – First Presbyterian – numerous kids were molested roughly two decades ago.
At another one of them – Greek Orthodox Church – SNAP suspects that a cleric who was arrested in several months ago in Columbus may have worked there.
In general, the leafleting effort is to encourage those who may have seen, suspected or suffered child sex crimes – especially but not strictly by church personnel – to step forward, get help, expose wrongdoers, call police, deter cover-ups, protect kids and start healing.
SNAP believes that police and prosecutors are increasingly able to pursue even older child sex crimes and cover ups. But it’s crucial that those with knowledge or suspicions of such crimes speak up.
SNAP is an independent, confidential support group, a safe place for those who are suffering to share their burdens and get help.
The group was founded 25 years ago and is based in Chicago. SNAP’s website is SNAPnetwork.org
Carol Zamonski, [email protected], 614-447-2084 (home); 614-653-1502 (cell); [email protected], David Clohessy,[email protected], 314-566-9790 (cell)