NY - Predatory Rabbi sentenced to 103 years, SNAP applauds sentence and victim
A rabbi who abused a young girl who came to him for spiritual advice has been sentenced to 103 years in prison for his crime.
We applaud this sentence against Nechemya Weberman. Such a strong sentence sends a clear message that Weberman’s crimes were unspeakably heinous and deserving of harsh punishment. By betraying the trust of a 12 year old girl and forcing her to do such disgusting acts as “acting out scenes from pornography” in the guise of deepening her faith, Weberman proved how much of a monster he was.
It is alleged that he may have abused as many as ten other women who came to him for help. Our hearts ache for these women and the pain that they went through. To have gone out in search of spiritual help or guidance only to be used like an object is unbelievably painful, and we hope that this sentence will help these women on their healing journey.
It is important to once again note the immeasurable courage shown by the girl who came forward to tell the world about Weberman. Not only was it brave of her to make an initial report, but she continued on her path despite in-court threats from Weberman’s cronies and threats from her abuser himself. Because of her unwavering commitment to protecting other girls from Weberman, this victim has likely saved the innocence of countless other women in the Satmar community. She deserves the utmost respect and universal praise.