NY- Cardinal Dolan deposition to be made public, SNAP responds
We are grateful this deposition is being made public. It's a shame it takes civil litigation and brave victims to force Dolan to answer for his wrongdoing.
It's still rare that Catholic officials have to face tough questions under oath. And we're still not confident that Dolan answered the deposition questions honestly, given his history of dissembling about clergy sex crimes and cover ups.
Still, every bit of information about how the Catholic hierarchy conceals heinous crimes is welcome. We hope other current and former church staffers will share what they know and suspect about chld molesting clerics without having to be forced to do so.
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Again, thank you Mrs. Blaine, both for posting notice of this story and the SNAP response so quickly. I didn’t notice anything about this while watching the local NBC evening news tonight.
Over the years, before I had ever heard of SNAP, I used to watch Cardinal Dolan on various different occasions when he was in the media, e.g. on the Today Show, or CNN, Christmas Eve, or being interviewed about the conclave (the selection of pope just prior to the recent one). Before these last couple of years, I had actually thought Ftr. Dolan so seemingly “affable” and he acted so immensely Christian and God fearing and so pleased with his own life in the Catholic Church that it almost made me think he must not be involved in the horrible church cover up. However, thanks to SNAP’s hard work and the bravery and perseverance of the victims, I certainly, obviously, no longer think or believe that of him.
I believe that change of the deplorable circumstances in the Catholic Church will occur due in large part to your efforts and those of others like you! Although, I do often get discouraged at the scope and immensity of these crimes, I do BELIEVE that positive change is imminent!
As I’ve often said (since joining SNAP recently) to the three of you, Misses Blaine and Dorsey and Mr. Clohessy; THANK YOU and PLEASE KEEP UP THE HARD, GOOD FIGHT. Don’t lose hope now after all these long 25 years, you now ARE finally achieving and having a positive palpable and visible impact!
Lani Halter