News Story of the Day
Suit accuses ex-Notre Dame chaplain of sex abuse
Lynn Walker, 12:01 PM, Mar 4, 2015, Time Record, Wichita Falls
A man who claims he suffered sexual abuse at the hands of a priest at Notre Dame Middle School in Wichita Falls has sued the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth and its bishop, Michael F. Olson.
The plaintiff, who is identified in court papers only as John Doe 117, alleges he was abused by Father John Sutton, his history teacher and the school chaplain between 1989 and 1991.
Priest seeks to halt trial on indecent assault charges
Mary Carolan, Mon, Mar 2, 2015, 15:07, The Irish Times
A priest is seeking permission to bring High Court proceedings aimed at halting his trial on charges of indecently assaulting 14 boys at a secondary school in Munster.
The charges relate to alleged offences between 1969 and 1990 and the priest contends his right to a fair trial has been prejudiced due to a “fatal deficit” of disclosure, Mr Justice Seamus Noonan was told.
Franciscan friars accused of racist rants at St. Francis Friends of the Poor
Forgive me, fathers, for you have sinned.
Three Catholic priests who run homeless charities in Manhattan are anything but Christian behind closed doors, longtime female staffers at St. Francis Friends of the Poor claim in a lawsuit.
Philipsburg priest on leave after allegations of sexual misconduct
In a statement Friday, Altoona-Johnstown Diocese Bishop Mark Bartchak announced that the Rev. Robert Kelly was “on leave from active ministry” because of allegations of sexual misconduct involving minors dating back more than 30 years.
An Advocate for the Sexually Abused Demands Answers from Prestonwood Baptist Church
, Dallas Observer
The letter was anonymous, just like other warnings that came before it. In late January, it arrived in the mailboxes of advocates who work on behalf of Christian sex-abuse victims. For 26 pages, it offered a rambling defense of a place that shouldn't need one — Prestonwood Baptist Church, a Plano mega-church with 37,000 members, three campuses, decades of mostly good publicity and a celebrity pastor named Jack Graham.
Priest Likely to Plead Guilty
Posted: Wed 7:05 AM, Feb 25, 2015, News
DETROIT (AP) -- A Catholic priest charged with secretly recording high school hockey players in the locker room is returning to Detroit federal court for a likely guilty plea.
Removal of time limitations barrier may prompt child abuse victims to speak out
Feb. 24, 2015, 6:24 pm, The Courier, Australia
ONE less hurdle for victims of child abuse in Victoria has now been removed.
Victims of child abuse in this state will be able to seek civil damages regardless of when the abuse occurred thanks to new laws to remove complex time limitations.
Why do religious clerics get away with sexual abuse?
, The Express Tribune Blogs
For years we’ve made fun of the Catholic priests fondling with young ones. Their ghastly and heinous acts of insensitivity disgust our spirits and we all abhor such practices. I once stopped by and spoke to John Wojnowski, himself a victim, on Massachusetts Avenue, Washington DC, who has been protesting for years, trying to bring the world’s attention to the abusive ways of the clergy.