News Story of the Day
Lawsuit says Catholic priest sexually abused Long Island man
By Bart Jones, [email protected], April 26, 2016, NewsDay
A Long Island man said Tuesday he was sexually abused as a boy by a Roman Catholic priest — the second case brought against the priest since last year.
San Diego priest who pleaded guilty to sexual battery finds new home at Oklahoma parish
SARAH K. BURRIS, 25 APR 2016, Raw Story
Fr. Jose Alexis Davila was convicted of inappropriately touching a 19-year-old woman in San Diego in 2011. Like most priests who have been caught or convicted of sex acts, Davila went to another church. The problem, however, is no one at the church was told about his crimes.
When the church of the Blessed Sacrament in Lawton, Oklahoma was introduced to Davila they were told only that “he has pastoral experience in the United States” but nothing about his criminal past or even the name of his previous church. None of the members hand any idea he was convicted for groping a teenager, according to KFOR News.
Priest convicted of sex crime in San Diego resurfaces in Oklahoma
By Abbie Alford, Reporter, April 22, 2016,
SAN DIEGO (CBS 8) - A convicted San Diego priest who pleaded guilty to fondling a teenage girl in 2011 is now serving in parishes in Oklahoma City.
Father Jose Alexis DaVila admitted to abusing a 19-year-old woman and now he is involved with three churches. It's a move that is being called both stunning and hurtful.
Blessed Sacrament's website in Lawton Oklahoma says as of March 29, Father Jose Alexis DaVila left to serve the following parishes in Oklahoma: Saint Ann Church, Elgin and Missions, Mother of Sorrows Church in Apache, and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Sterling.
Sen. Chuck Schumer pushes to extend statute of limitations for sex crimes victims
The New York Democrat has added a provision to his Adam Walsh Reauthorization Act of 2016 that would extend the statute of limitations in federal civil cases for victims of sexual abuse, sex trafficking and other crimes related to child pornography.
The Catholic Church’s defiance and obstruction on child sex abuse
IN THREE years at the helm of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis has been a source of inspiration for millions of faithful around the world. In one critical respect, however, he has fallen short of his own promise: to come fully to terms with decades of child sex abuse by clergymen and the institutional cover granted to them by bishops and cardinals.
Francis has pledged “the zealous vigilance of the Church to protect children and the promise of accountability for all.” Yet there has been scant accountability, particularly for bishops. Too often, the church’s stance has been defiance and obstruction.
Sex abuse survivor to sue diocese that has reinstated priest
A survivor of sexual abuse by a Catholic priest who has been reinstated by the Vatican is to sue the priest's diocese.
The New York Daily News reported that Megan Peterson's attorney Jeff Anderson is to file a federal lawsuit against the diocese in India.
Anderson will claim in the suit that the Ootacamund diocese has endangered children by reinstating Father Joseph Palanivel Jeyapaul.
SNAP members spread the word at Crookston Cathedral Sunday morning
Protest of Priest planned around Valley this weekend
By Neil Carlson, April 15, 2016, Valley News Live
Crookston, Minn. Church goers in northwestern Minnesota can expect a protest of sorts this Sunday.
SNAP, the “Survivors Network of those abused by Priests”, plans to hand out leaflets opposing a decision by the church to lift the suspension of Father Joseph Jeyapaul. Jeyapaul was convicted of a sex crime in Greenbush, Minnesota and is now back in his home country of India.
Churches are discriminating against job seekers for being sex abuse victims — and it’s legal
By TOM BOGGIONI, Raw Story, April 15, 2016
Faced with what appears to be an epidemic of child sex abuse cases, U.S. churches have taken to asking prospective employees if they have ever been sexually assaulted based on the belief that a childhood attack may result in the victim becoming an potential abuser.
Writing at the Daily Beast, activist and journalist Zack Kopplin notes the rising tide of churches requesting the sexual history of job applicants as a condition of employment — including porn-viewing habits.
In Our Opinion: Statute of limitations for molesters is intolerable, April 14, 2016
“Statutes of limitations,” according to, “are laws that set time limits on how long you have to file a ‘civil’ lawsuit, like a personal injury lawsuit, or how long the state has to prosecute someone for committing a crime.”
As far as we are concerned, the New York state Legislature doesn’t know a statute of limitations from the Statue of Liberty.