News Story of the Day
Former priest, an Omaha native, is sentenced in sex assault
Thursday, December 4, 2014 3:00 am
Former priest sentenced to 30 years in teen's sex assault
Updated TODAY, December 3, 2014 By Van Darden Web - News Editor
Pope’s Vatican watchdog on abuse: Wrong priest for the job
Boston Globe Editorials December 2, 2014
Lapses let abusive ex-priest have contact with kids
Madeleine Baran · St. Paul, Minn. · Dec 1, 2014
The Pope & Priest Sexual Abuse
By November 26, 2014, 2:20 PM
•I want to bring you up to date on a couple of stories we’ve been talking about a lot on this blog in the past few days. First, I want to thank a reader for sending me this story as a follow-up to . . .
Australia's pursuit of Vatican documents on pedophile priests is likely to be addressed at a UN torture committee press conference.
Source: AAP 26 NOV 2014 - 5:20 PM
The UN Committee against Torture is this week expected to address the powers of Australia's child abuse royal commission, with implications for Australian-Vatican relations.
Sex Abuse: Different Pope, Same Strategy
By November 24, 2014, 1:20 PM
•Pope Francis this past September named an American Jesuit, Fr. Robert Geisinger, formerly the head of the Chicago Jesuits, to be the Vatican’s top prosecutor for serious crimes, including child sexual abuse.
The Vatican’s new sex abuse prosecutor previously failed to report abusive U.S. priest
By Abby Ohlheiser November 24 at 11:27 AM
An American priest who was appointed by the Vatican to prosecute sex-abuse cases previously played a role in the church’s failure to remove one of the most infamous abusive priests from the ministry, according to an investigation by the Boston Globe.
Shoreline: 4 men sue Catholic order, alleging 1970s abuse by priest
By Amy Forliti
Associated Press
A lawsuit filed Thursday by four men who say they were molested by a priest in the 1970s claims a Catholic order created a public nuisance when it failed to warn families that the priest could pose a risk.