News Story of the Day
Nun's 1969 cold case murder is kept alive by retired 'grandma Nancy Drews' and docu-series 'The Keepers'
By Amy Kaufman, May 24, 2017, LA Times
They call themselves retired grandma Nancy Drews. One is a former emergency room nurse, the other a longtime elementary school teacher.
They make notes on coffee filters instead of index cards and wear clam diggers and sensible sneakers.
St. Paul’s School Acknowledges Decades of Sexual Misconduct
By Jess Bidgood, May 22, 2017, NY Times
On Monday, St. Paul’s School, an elite prep school in New Hampshire, named 13 former faculty and staff members who investigators said were involved in substantiated reports of sexual misconduct from 1948 to 1988. Ten more employees, accused of lesser offenses, were not named.
15 years after Boston investigation, still work to do with clergy abuse
By Danae King, The Columbus Dispatch, May 22, 2017
Fifteen years after an investigation exposed widespread child sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic church, critics say little has changed.
The Columbus Diocese, however, says it put measures in place to prevent abuse and believes they’ve made a difference.
Though the investigation done by the Spotlight investigative reporting team at The Boston Globe and published in 2002 surely raised awareness about clergy sexual abuse, it didn’t seem to reverberate in Columbus as it did in other dioceses, even others in Ohio.
Urgent plea to Irish adoptees and "home children" in US to tell their stories
Were you born in a Mother and Baby Home, a County Home or similar place in Ireland?
Or are you a relative of an adopted person from Ireland? Or did you once work for an institution or agency involved with unmarried mothers and their children there?
The Adoption Rights Alliance and the Justice for Magdalenes Research group launched Clann in 2016 to gather the data and submit a group report to the ongoing Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes and Certain Related Matters in Ireland.
Lawsuit: Film raised memories of sexual abuse by Albuquerque priests
By Uriel J. Garcia, The New Mexican, May 19, 2017
A lawsuit filed in April against the Archdiocese of Santa Fe says a 2015 film about widespread child sexual abuse by Catholic clergy in the Boston area triggered a New Mexico's man's childhood memories of being sexually abused by two priests at an Albuquerque church.
Attorneys representing the man, identified as John Doe 66, filed the suit Thursday in the 2nd Judicial District Court in Albuquerque. It also names the Church of Ascension Parish in Albuquerque's South Valley as a defendant.
7 Victims Name Priests Who Sexually Abused Them as Children
Seven men who were abused as children by priests of the Archdiocese of New York revealed on Thursday some of the details of the settlements they had received through the archdiocese’s new sexual abuse survivor compensation fund.
Since October, more than 100 victims have settled their sex abuse cases with the archdiocese by taking their claims to the Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program. But very few details have been revealed because the program keeps the cases confidential, and no victims have yet spoken out.
Catholic Archbishop Philip Wilson seeks to have charge of hiding child sex abuse thrown out
By Karl Hoerr, May 18, 2017, ABC News Australia
Lawyers for Catholic Archbishop of Adelaide Philip Wilson, accused of concealing child sex abuse in the Maitland-Newcastle diocese, have fronted court again for their third attempt to stop the case against him from going ahead.
Trial Mines How Victims Process Trauma
By Christopher Peak, May 16, 2017, New Haven Independent
Hartford — During the three years when Eliyahu Mirlis claimed Rabbi Daniel Greer sexually molested him, why didn’t Mirlis try to stop it?
Child Abuse Bill Becomes Law In Oklahoma, Amendment Sparks Controversy
By Jessi Mitchell, News 9, May 16, 2017
OKLAHOMA CITY - Gov. Mary Fallin signed a bill into law last week, giving child sex abuse victims longer to come forward, but critics say an amendment to the bill may actually be detrimental to some of the victims.
Priest who came to Ireland in 1990s linked to nun's murder in new Netflix documentary The Keepers
By Aoife Kelly, May 15 2017,
A priest who moved to Ireland from the US in the mid 1990s has been linked to the murder of a nun in Netflix's new documentary The Keepers.
The seven part series, which debuts on the streaming site on Friday, examines the unsolved murder of Catholic nun Sister Cathy Cesnik, in Baltimore in 1969.
Nobody has ever been charged despite a lead emerging in the 1990s when one of her former students at Keough High School came forward to claim she was sexually abused by the high school's chaplain Father Joseph Maskell.