In the final days before Cardinal Francis George retires and Archbishop Blase Cupich takes over, a dying man's request is granted. Both Cardinal George and Archbishop Cupich had been asked to intervene on behalf of Rick Springer.
News Story of the Day
Lapses let abusive ex-priest have contact with kids
Madeleine Baran · St. Paul, Minn. · Dec 1, 2014
The Pope & Priest Sexual Abuse
By November 26, 2014, 2:20 PM
•I want to bring you up to date on a couple of stories we’ve been talking about a lot on this blog in the past few days. First, I want to thank a reader for sending me this story as a follow-up to . . .
Australia's pursuit of Vatican documents on pedophile priests is likely to be addressed at a UN torture committee press conference.
Source: AAP 26 NOV 2014 - 5:20 PM
The UN Committee against Torture is this week expected to address the powers of Australia's child abuse royal commission, with implications for Australian-Vatican relations.
Sex Abuse: Different Pope, Same Strategy
By November 24, 2014, 1:20 PM
•Pope Francis this past September named an American Jesuit, Fr. Robert Geisinger, formerly the head of the Chicago Jesuits, to be the Vatican’s top prosecutor for serious crimes, including child sexual abuse.
The Vatican’s new sex abuse prosecutor previously failed to report abusive U.S. priest
By Abby Ohlheiser November 24 at 11:27 AM
An American priest who was appointed by the Vatican to prosecute sex-abuse cases previously played a role in the church’s failure to remove one of the most infamous abusive priests from the ministry, according to an investigation by the Boston Globe.
Shoreline: 4 men sue Catholic order, alleging 1970s abuse by priest
By Amy Forliti
Associated Press
A lawsuit filed Thursday by four men who say they were molested by a priest in the 1970s claims a Catholic order created a public nuisance when it failed to warn families that the priest could pose a risk.
Former West Fargo Priest Still On The Run
Posted: Nov 18, 2014 6:38 PM CSTUpdated: Nov 18, 2014 6:50 PM CST
Cardinal George, Archbishop Cupich Honor Priest Victim's Request
By Mary Ann Ahern
Four sisters recount lives haunted by clergy abuse
Madeleine Baran · St. Paul, Minn. · Nov 17, 2014
Nancy Meyers remembers the fear in the priest's eyes when he spotted her.
It was a Sunday morning in 1990, and Nancy, then 42, and her sister Kate had just arrived at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Lino Lakes to confront the man Nancy says had sexually abused her as a child.
Bruges bishop allows abuse suspect to work with street children
14th November 2014
The Bishop of Bruges is once again at the centre of controversy after it emerged that the Roman Catholic Church authorities allowed a priest who had been accused of sexual abuse to leave for Brazil to work with street children.