August 05, 2021
Justice & Law - National - Violence & Harassment
Overdue Justice for Sexual Abuse Survivors: States Repeal Statutes of Limitations Throughout the Country
(Article dated August 5, 2021 - Ms.- More than a Magazine, A Movement.
Two dozen state legislatures have opened one- or two-year ‘windows’ during which any victim can sue any person who molested them in childhood and any institution that ignored or hid the abuse, regardless of when the abuse took place.
One in nine girls and one in 53 boys under the age of 18 experience sexual abuse or assault at the hands of an adult. (Austin Monitor / Creative Commons)
August 03, 2021
MOUNT PLEASANT, NY — The state Supreme Court recently dismissed a civil rights lawsuit by a religious group against the town for lack of evidence.
August 02, 2021
Louis Gigante, a former priest turned New York City councilman who is credited for rebuilding the Hunts Point section of the Bronx in the 1980s, is being accused of sexually abusing a minor while at St. Athanasius Church in Longwood, according to recent court filings.
July 30, 2021
The state Department of Justice is conducting Wisconsin’s first statewide independent investigation into abuse by clergy and faith leaders. Attorney General Josh Kaul said that since the inquiry was announced in April, the agency has received more than 100 reports of abuse.
July 23, 2021
GALVESTON, Texas – A $10 million lawsuit has been filed against Holy See and the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston and its Cardinal, Daniel N. DiNardo, on behalf of the parents of a child they say was sexually abused by Rev. Phi Thanh Nguyen in November 2018, according to the lawsuit.