News Story of the Day

Opinion: Pull back the curtain of secrecy on abuse by priests

St. Peter in Chains Cathedral is now a "minor basilica." It is clear that Archbishop Dennis Schnurr is excited and proud, and it is clear that he welcomed members of the news media into the cathedral (now basilica) space on Aug. 15 so he could talk about ceremonial bells and special privileges.

Mayor says it's time to talk about sex abuse

Findlay Mayor Christina Muryn didn't mince words after learning of the arrest of the Rev. Michael Zacharias, pastor of St. Michael the Archangel parish, Findlay.

Former West Virginia bishop apologizes, reimburses diocese

CHARLESTON, W. VA. — A former Roman Catholic bishop in West Virginia has issued an apology two years after resigning amid allegations of sexual and financial misconduct, and the diocese said Aug. 20 that he has repaid $441,000.

After years of accusations, this retired New Orleans priest is now on a clergy abuse list

When the Archdiocese of New Orleans issued a list two years ago that included dozens of clergymen credibly accused of sexual abuse, Mike Brandner Sr.’s heart sank.

Op-Ed: Survivors' Networks Sees Good, Bad in Covington Diocese Abuse List

The following op-ed is written by Zach Hiner, executive director of St. Louis-based Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP)

There is good news and bad news in the just released list of abusers associated with the Diocese of Covington.

The Catholic Diocese Of Pittsburgh Expects It Will Pay Tens Of Millions To Sexual Abuse Victims, Hopes To Avoid Bankruptcy

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Out of shock and shame that was the grand jury report, Bishop Zubik says the diocese emerged with one clear obligation — to compensate and care for victims of clergy sexual abuse — no matter the cost.

13 Investigates: PPP loans for 1000s of churches, SBA bends rules

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- Hours after SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) criticized the Catholic church for accepting PPP loans Thursday, 13 Investigates looked into the program finding tens of thousands of churches accepting cash in the job saving program.

New lawsuit claims Ellwood priest molested siblings for years

ELLWOOD CITY — A Pennsylvania man is suing the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh decades after he says he and his sister were sexually assaulted by a priest in Lawrence County.

Two former students sue Paramus Catholic, saying the school knew of sex abuse by hockey coach

Two former students at Paramus Catholic High School have come forward with sexual abuse allegations against a prominent hockey coach from the 1980s, saying the school shielded him from similar accusations for years.

Catholic Churches Drop Hymns After Accusations Against Composer

Several Roman Catholic archdioceses have banned a well-known liturgical composer from performing in their churches and many others have stopped playing his music after dozens of women accused him of sexual misconduct and harassment over more than 40 years.

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