New Study Points to the Importance of Civil Justice for Survivors of Sexual Abuse

A new study has been released today from the Center for Justice and Democracy at New York Law School and the findings are important for survivors of sexual abuse and their advocates.

In the study, entitled "The Importance of Civil Justice to Sexual Assault Survivors and the Devastating Consequences of 'Tort Reform,'" researchers from CJ&D analyzed how the civil justice system can provide support to survivors of sexual abuse in ways that the criminal justice system cannot. The report shows both how important civil lawsuits are for sexual assault survivors, and also the “unintended” consequences of "tort reform" laws like caps (limits) on damages.

The full 50-page study can be found here, alongside a fact sheet prepared by the researchers. We encourage everyone who is interested in the ways that civil justice and criminal justice and how these systems can support survivors to read and share this useful information from CJ&D.



Showing 1 comment

  • Patricia A Sulecki
    commented 2019-05-22 07:25:17 -0500
    Patricia Sulecki
    2015 I started a petition at
    petition title:All rapist should be register sex offenders ;this includes pedophile clergymen… clergy" catholic priest and nun’s are capable of such crimes as sexual abuse on children (Ask a Survivor ) hear the victims voice and see our faces.(Abolish the Statute of Limitation) do to clergy sexual abuse on children" past & present.

    By law: all pedophiles should be registered sex offenders.
    including" clergy" catholic priest;"
    abuse;" we are asking for help in seeking justice.
    pedophiles, found a loophole in the religious system; become a Priest
    and get away with rape, sexual abuse and torture on children. Why does the sex offender laws change when it pertains to ( pedophile ) clergymen?

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