NE- Victims blast Omaha archbishop over abuse case

It’s irresponsible for Catholic officials to drag their feet in child sex abuse cases like this. It hurts victims, endangers kids, confuses parishioners and thwarts law enforcement. 

Archbishop Lucas knows the right thing to do. He should shove aside his defense lawyers and public relations team. He should leave the comfort of his office and personally go to each parish where Fr. Salanitro worked. And he should beg anyone who may have seen, suspected or suffered misdeeds by the priest to contact law enforcement immediately.

Beyond that, Lucas and his brother bishops across the world should insist that the Vatican speed up these cases so that dangerous child molesting clerics can be kept away from kids. He should also transfer Fr. Salanitro to a remote, secure, independently-run treatment center so that he will get help and have no access to kids.

Instead, Lucas and his top aides passively and quietly sit back, doing virtually nothing to get at the truth of these allegations. And his reckless and callous delays give Salanitro ample time to intimidate victims, threaten whistleblowers, discredit witnesses, fabricate alibis, destroy evidence, abuse kids and even potentially flee the country.

Shame on Catholic officials – in Omaha and in Rome. 

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