MO- More damning evidence of KC Catholic corruption
Our hearts ache for the Teeman family and for the dozens of families who are suffering because Kansas City bishops – and Finn – refused to take any real steps to protect kids from Missouri’s worst predator priest.
And we applaud the Teemans for seeking justice and helping to expose even more callousness and recklessness by dozens of Catholic employees.
This evidence proves what many have long said: that a host of KC Catholic officials – teachers, priests, bishops and others - have known that Msgr. O'Brien is a serial pedophile for decades but done little to stop him from assaulting kid after kid after kid after kid.
It's astonishing that this serial predator is still on the church payroll with no supervision. Finn should have put him in a treatment center ages ago.
For the full story:
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…We raised our 4 children in the church. I had relatives who were in religious orders , who many years ago, told us things we could not believe.
In 2001 , when the… …“hit the fan” in San Diego, where we kept our boat(to get out of the AZ. heat)we knew “all they had told us was TRUE and beyond. We left !
. I am going to be 84 in Aug. and have been around a long time, seen and heard more than I care to remember. Nothing in this evil place will ever change! They like it the way it is. They have pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes for way too long. We don’t BUY THEIR” BS" ANYMORE. THEY WILL NOT CHANGE BUT WE MUST GET THEM" SHUT DOWN" FOREVER!
In these 72 yrs. I have heard more sickening stories of priests taking advantage of peoples hospitality( when they were given their homes to use) when they were away on vacation. The people who cleaned the homes, when the priests left, told the owners there were used condems all over the place…beds in such disaray you couldn’t make them, bathrooms filthy,, garbage etc. the home completly destroyed with evil stuff. Needless to say the owners contacted the group of Catholic priests and said never again.
They( the catholics owners ) didn’t know that this is the sort of stuff the Vatican has going on right now and has been going on for millenium(s) right under the noses of all there and don’t care, or people who venture to Rome and don’t have the foggiest. We’ve been there and ooed and ahed .. What a waste!
Rome knows it and has published these (sex parties) in their papers. In fact just before Bennedict" took a powder" and resigned..that’s when It all hit the “papers” just before.
. They all know but if they don’t tell the authorities are all participating in this coverup . Sickening to us but think of what Jesus Christ must feel.??