MN - Archdiocese wants more secrecy, SNAP responds
Statement by Megan Peterson, Twin Cities SNAP leader, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (218-689-9049 cell,[email protected])
For immediate release: Friday January 3, 2014
The foxes who have for decades ‘guarded the chicken coop’ want to keep doing so. Corrupt St. Paul Catholic officials who for decades have protected proven and accused predator priests are asking a judge to let them keep doing so. Shame on them.
We doubt that documents about “rumors spread by a mentally unbalanced individual, by a disgruntled parish employee” are kept in church files. We believe that now, as before, claims of concern about allegedly wrongly accused clerics are a ruse. St. Paul Catholic officials are worried about themselves and their reputations and their power.
We imagine it must be very hard for an adult to be wrongly accused of child sexual abuse. But we don’t have to imagine something much harder: to be sexually assaulted as a child and watch your perpetrator be protected and hidden for decades and keep on assaulting kids thanks to allegedly spiritual figures who you were taught to believe were Christ’s representatives on earth.
For decades, we as a society have given Catholic officials every benefit of the doubt in clergy sex abuse and cover up cases. It’s time that innocent kids and wounded adults are given the benefit of the doubt.
We hope this judge will rule in favor of openness and against secrecy. We hope he will show that vulnerable children's safety trumps deceitful adults' preferences.
Contact - David Clohessy (314-566-9790 cell, [email protected]), Barbara Dorris (314-862-7688 home, 314-503-0003 cell, [email protected]), Barbara Blaine (312-399-4747, [email protected]) Bob Schwiderski, SNAP Minnesota director (952 471 3422, [email protected])