MN- Another priest faces criminal charges
For immediate release: Tuesday, Nov. 19 2013
Statement by Minnesota SNAP leader Megan Peterson (218-689-9049, [email protected])
We are glad Father Mark Huberty faces criminal charges for sexually exploiting a parishioner. It’s virtually always hurtful – and often illegal – for clerics to have any sexual contact with a congregant.
If a criminal embezzles from a bank, no one talks about their “financial relationship.” So no one should ever talk about “a relationship” between a predatory priest and a parishioner. It’s a crime. It should be treated and described as a crime. It should not be minimized or mischaracterized by words or phrases that suggest consent when no genuine consent is possible.
We hope every single person who saw, suspected or suffered clergy sex crimes – by Fr. Huberty or others, as adults or as children – will speak up. Keeping quiet only helps predators and endangers others.
Contact - David Clohessy (314-566-9790 cell, [email protected]), Barbara Dorris (314-862-7688 home, 314-503-0003 cell, [email protected]), Bob Schwiderski (952 471 3422, [email protected]), Frank Meuers (952-334-5180, [email protected])
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