MI - SNAP supports new abuse prevention bill in MI
We support Rep. Klisto and his bill to make school employees and clergy members mandated reporters of child abuse. By creating an environment where everyone from custodian to cardinal is required to report abuse, this measure will go a long way towards deterring future child sex crimes and will create a much safer world for children.
Any effort undertaken to increase accountability and responsibility for those who would ignore or minimize child abuse is a step in the right direction.
It may seem like common sense that anyone who witnesses the victimization of a child should immediately go to the police. Sadly, hundreds of cases every year, from low-profile ones to high-profile ones like the Sandusky case remind us that this common sense is all to uncommon. We hope that this measure passes quickly in order to better ensure the safety of children in Michigan.
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I haven’t yet read the story here, because after having watched the previous video at the New England School of Law in 2007 regarding proposed legislation, I am concerned that perhaps SNAP members and leaders should be focusing their efforts at the federal level. In this country at least, in the US with our 50 states, it seems such a “piecemeal” effort to attempt to get legislation either changed or new legislation adopted state by state, if at all. It also seems to me that with the recent discovery and thus understanding, of how the hierarchy of the Catholic church “moved”/re-located offending pedophile clergy and prelates from state to state to avoid disclosure and criminal prosecution, that this is in fact a national (federal) problem in the United States. Indeed, it is a global problem as these catholic church pedophiles have been moved from country to country in an effort for the church to “avoid scandal”.
Being a citizen of the U.S. and a catholic, I think that since so much of the sexual crimes and victimization of children has happened here, that SNAP is doing well to focus on changing the law here. However, as I said earlier, I would like to suggest to all of you, that we enlist the aid of legislators and attorneys who are willing, able and strong enough to incorporate all of the good proposals for changes in the state laws and create entirely new law(s) that perhaps could actually become an amendment to the US Constitution. It would be worth it.
Lani Halter