SNAP Media Events
Victim of notorious priest speaks for first time
Victim of notorious priest speaks for first time
SNAP wants all accused abusive clerics “outed”
But church officials in both KC MO & KC KS are refusing
Dozens of Catholic officials across the US are now posting such lists
Group also blasts KC MO prelate for letting disgraced Finn to come back
Three Priests Left Off New List - Jefferson City, MO
Belleville bishop challenged on abuse
Belleville bishop challenged on abuse
“Sexually violent predator” worked in diocese
Few knew of his time in southern IL until recently
Two more accused abusers missing from church site
Catholic officials should hire outside firm to look through its files
This recommendation just made by church’s top abuse lay leader
SNAP calls for the USCCB to end lobbying against statutes of limitations reform, urge independent investigations, and hold Bishops accountable
Survivors of clergy abuse demand accountability as US Bishops gather in Baltimore
Nearly one third of active Bishops have mishandled abuse allegations, report shows
“Bishops must be made to answer for their role in this crisis,” SNAP says
SNAP says bishops should stop lobbying against statutes of limitations reform and should actively invite independent investigations
Survivors and supporters hold vigil to shine a light on the abuse crisis
Survivors and supporters hold vigil to shine a light on the abuse crisis
Group says Bishops should include survivors and laity in their discussions
SNAP says Cardinal DiNardo unfit to head USCCB
Victims: Top US Catholic official should be ousted as President
Victims: Top US Catholic official should be ousted as President
Cardinal DiNardo's track record on abuse is "abysmal," survivor groups say
They also seek help from US ambassador to Vatican
Pope "must make sure bishops keep abuse records"
Victims & advocates file FOIA request for State Dept. & Vatican documents
Seven new accused clerics in St. Louis are "outed"
Seven accused clerics who spent time in St. Louis area are "outed"
Their ties to MO were previously unknown
Last week, they were exposed in big California abuse report
SNAP also writes to all Missouri prosecutors seeking their help
AG Hawley claims he cannot subpoena records without one of them
Jeff City bishop challenged on abuse
Jeff City bishop challenged on abuse
SNAP "outs" a priest who worked in Columbia
Few knew of his time in mid-Missouri until last week
Victims question prelate's 'troubling' remarks on seminarians
Group also want church to post accused priests' names on line
Catholic officials should do "more aggressive outreach," SNAP says
Victim want them to"beg witnesses & whistle blowers" to call AG Hawley