SNAP Media Events
Child sex abuse survivor ‘outs’ an abusive priest
Child sex abuse survivor ‘outs’ an abusive priest
She speaks publicly now for the first time
Her alleged abuser is still in active ministry
At least four other victims have come forward
SNAP calls on Diocese of Fresno to “aggressively reach out” to other victims
Man files unusual formal complaint vs. bishop
Man files unusual formal complaint vs. bishop
Bowling Green “cradle Catholic” worries about abuse
Clergy sex victims enthusiastically endorse his effort
They also want Owensboro ‘accused cleric’ list expanded
SNAP: Local church official leave some alleged predators off
Group divulges ‘two credibly accused’ priests who worked here
SNAP: “They’re ‘under the radar’ & may have hurt local kids too”
“Victims, witnesses should call KY state politicians,” group says
Victims blast Nashville Catholic bishop
Victims blast Nashville Catholic bishop
Four clerics are left off ‘accused’ priest list
Both were deemed ‘credibly accused’ by their bosses
SNAP: “How many other predators are still being hidden?”
Support group also wants Catholic high school field re-named
It honors a church official who ‘ignored or hid’ abuse reports, man says
Tennessee attorney general should investigate 3 dioceses, SNAP argues
Clergy Abuse Survivors Share their Experiences Publicly in Baltimore
As Bishops Meet in Baltimore, Clergy Abuse Survivors Share their Experiences Publicly
They Want Their Stories to Lead to Prevention and Change
“This should never happen again,” they say
Survivors of Clergy Abuse Demand Accountability as US Bishops Gather in Baltimore
Survivors of Clergy Abuse Demand Accountability as US Bishops Gather in Baltimore
They Call For an Expansion of Pope Francis’ ‘Mandated Reporting’ Edict
“It is time for the church to welcome secular investigations,” SNAP says
Abuse victims blast Catholic officials in Memphis
Abuse victims blast Catholic officials
They ‘out’ 2 more local abuser clerics
Both worked in Memphis but are ‘under the radar’
But the diocese won’t post a ‘credibly accused’ list
Most other bishops in the US have already done so
“Include a serial predator who was at a local school,” SNAP says
And group urges Tennessee’s AG to investigate all TN dioceses
Clergy Sex Abuse Victim presser May 3, Sacramento
Child sex abuse survivor blasts bishop
Victim speaks out now for the first time
He feels ‘abused again’ by recent dealings with church
“If you’re suffering, get help,” he says, “but not from diocese”
His experiences cast doubt on Sacremento bishop’s pay out plan
Man may file formal complaint with the state about church social worker
And his attorney insists that diocesan staffers get informed consent first from victims
Victims beg Church staff to “blow the whistle”
Victims beg church staff to “blow the whistle”
Pope’s new abuse policy takes effect Saturday
It protects Catholic whistleblowers
Reporting suspected abuse is now everyone’s responsibility
But SNAP urges employees to tell law enforcement first
They call on US bishops to create a whistleblower “reward fund”