SNAP Media Events

UPDATED: SNAP press event Monday, April 22, 2024, at 10:00 am. in San Juan, Texas

SNAP & CALL TO ACTION stand with RGV survivors of clergy sexual abuse

The two groups urge all victims to come forward and find help

Remember: law enforcement reports can help ensure what you endured never happens to another

Statement from Brownsville Diocese survivor will also be shared at press event

Victim encourages others to share their truth: “We all deserve support”

WHAT: Holding signs at a sidewalk news conference, SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, and a Catholic advocacy group, Call to Action, will read a statement by a survivor of clergy sexual abuse in the RGV. The groups will also provide context as to why victims should be believed, and why they often delay coming forward.

WHEN: Monday, April 22, 2024, at 10:00 am.

WHERE: Outside the Basilica de San Juan, 400 N. Virgen de San Juan Blvd, San Juan, Texas. We will be meeting on the public sidewalk on the west side of the Basilica. Enter the address 700 Oblate Street for GPS directions.

WHO: 3-5 victims, advocates and supporters, including David Saavedra, a McAllen counselor and advocate with Call to Action, and Patti Koo, SNAP San Antonio leader and survivor of adult abuse in McAllen, Texas, by a clergy/counselor.

WHY: We are gathering to support survivors of clergy sexual abuse and to educate the public on the importance of believing and supporting survivors, especially in a culture that often prizes a Church’s or a family’s “reputation” over the safety and well-being of its members. Not believing or supporting victims re-traumatizes them and hinders both their coming forward and their healing. We will stand in support of survivors. We believe them and we thank them for speaking out to ensure the safety of others. Victims deserve to live a full life, as they often speak of their childhoods being stolen by the one who abused them. If you, or someone you know has been abused by clergy or others, please reach out to SNAP and other support services. Survivors are also encouraged to report any abuse to law enforcement directly, instead of relying on the Diocese to pass along their truth. 

Abuse victims presser MONDAY 11:15 am (4/15) in Jeff City MO

Victims beg MO AG to intervene in growing scandal

Four Christian boarding schools now face abuse reports

SNAP to Bailey: “Investigate, warn parents & prod local prosecutors

Group also asks lawmakers to reform MO's 'predator-friendly statute of limitations'

At a sidewalk news conference - with signs and childhood photos - child sex abuse victims and their supporters will

--hand-deliver a letter to Missouri's attorney general – signed by seven victims - urging him to investigate and warn the public about recent reports of abuse at largely unregulated ‘faith-based’ boarding schools in Missouri,

--urge anyone who saw, suspected or suffered abuse there to come forward, and

--beg lawmakers to reform Missouri’s ‘archaic, arbitrary and predator-friendly’ statute of limitations on child sexual abuse.

They will also testify at a legislative hearing in the afternoon and ask legislators to reform outdated child safety laws and give more abuse victims the chance to expose their predators in court.

Monday, April 15 at 11:15 a.m.

On the sidewalk outside the Missouri Attorney General's office, 207 W. High Street (between Broadway and Washington) in Jefferson City

Clergy abuse victims leafletting & news conf Wed 3/20 @ 1:00 p.m. in Alton


Victims to leaflet church where accused priest was ousted


With little attention, cleric was suspended 6 months ago


A 2nd predator priest, now deceased, also worked there


SNAP: ‘Bishop must do outreach to seek others in pain



Six months ago, a priest was quietly suspended after being accused of sexually abusing a child. Clergy sex abuse victims and their supporters will hold a brief sidewalk news conference and then leaflet around a Catholic parish and school where he worked and reportedly molested.


Wednesday, March 20 at 1:00 p.m.


Outside Immaculate Conception-St. Mary's Church, 519 East 4th Street in Alton, IL (618 465 4284)

The Archdiocese of Washington DC (ADW) wants to thwart the will of the people of Maryland by declaring the CVA unconstitutional.

The Archdiocese of Washington DC (ADW) wants to thwart the will of the people of Maryland by
declaring the CVA unconstitutional.

ADW speaks out of both sides of its mouth after relying on funds obtained by the retroactive
application of asbestos civil cases.

The CVA was passed unanimously in the Maryland legislature and rapidly signed by the governor

WHAT: A sidewalk news conference, abuse survivors and advocates who are part of SNAP, the Survivors
Network of those Abused by Priests, will demand that the ADW stop their immoral and unethical
practices of re-abusing and re-traumatizing survivors by attempting to have the Child Victims’ Act (CVA)
declared unconstitutional. In 2017 the ADW, along with the other two dioceses in Maryland quietly
snuck in a provision to the child abuse statutes that seemingly treated child abuse under statute of
repose restrictions. This seemingly prevented the ability for child abuse lawsuits from EVER being
resurrected through any retroactive changes in the statutes. However, even first year law students
understand that you can pretend to call a pig a duck, but that doesn’t make it a duck. Child abuse simply
does not follow the definition of repose. The ADW is doing this despite the fact that about 25 years ago,
they not only benefited from but actually encouraged the legislature to amend the existing statute of
repose for asbestos so that they, the ADW, could sue for retroactive damages, which they did.

WHEN: Wednesday 3/6/24 at approximately noon (immediately following the hearing scheduled to start
at 10 AM)

SNAP presser Thursday, Feb. 1 at 11:15 a.m. in Kansas City

Ex-cleric & abuse victims beg KC archbishop to act

They want him to re-assign accused priest

To be safe, move him to a parish without a school,' SNAP says

Twice in six months, accused abusers are put in/near KC Catholic schools

Just last month, SNAP says an Overland Park priest pleaded guilty to child porn


Holdings signs at a sidewalk news conference, clergy sex abuse victims and a former Kansas City Kansas Catholic priest will publicly beg Kansas’ top church official to

--reverse his recent decision to transfer an accused child molesting priest to a Lenexa parish with a school,

--fire a recently-hired Mission Catholic school principal who faced a child sexual abuse lawsuit, and

--hold an unprecedented, historic joint open public Q & A session and invite the public to discuss how reports of crimes against kids are handled in his archdiocese.

They will also

--disclose that last month an Overland Park KS priest was sentenced to prison on child porn charges,

--prod the archbishop to publicly seek out any youngsters there he may have hurt, and

--publicly appeal to Lenexa parishioners to insist that their church officials ‘work harder to safeguard the vulnerable.’

Clergy abuse victims/advocates presser THURS 11/30 @ 11:15a.m. & 1:15pm in Chicago

Victims blast Chicago Catholic officials

Church figures settle child abuse case for $2 million

Groups file 1st-ever complaint to Vatican about 5 of them

It names 2 cardinals, 2 bishops and a top official in Rome

SNAP:  'Dangerous priest is on the loose in Chicago, unmonitored & unsupervised'

Cardinal Cupich & others in the church 'must warn parents & the public about him'
At a sidewalk news conference with signs and childhood photos, clergy sex abuse advocates will
-- announce a new formal, first-ever complaint to the Vatican against five top Chicagoland Catholic officials for 'ignoring, hiding and/or enabling' child sex crimes by clergy,
-- blast those church figures for ‘doing little or nothing’ to protect others from a predator priest who is believed to now live and work 'unsupervised and unmonitored' in the Chicago area (despite a recent $2 million settlement paid to one of his victims), and
-- urge the church officials to warn police, prosecutors, parents, parishioners and the public about him, and
-- harshly critize the heads of three dioceses (Chicago, Joliet, Rockford) and a Chicago-based Catholic religious order for how they mishandled the predator, the case and the settlement.
They will also beg anyone who saw, suspected or suffered his crimes or church cover ups to call law enforcement.

WHEN - Thursday, Nov. 30, outside two church institutions where the now-ousted but still living credibly accused predator priest worked or lived:
--At 11:15 a.m. outside the St. John Stone Friary, 1165 E. 54th Pl. (in Hyde Park), Chicago
--At 1:15 p.m. outside St. Rita of Cascia High School, 7740 S. Western Ave., Chicago

A veteran Chicago attorney who represents abuse victims and the former long-time director of a support group called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests

A large photo of the abuser and a poster listing credibly accused Chicago clerics in the Augustinians, the religious order to which the predator priest belongs

Wrongful death suit filed vs. Missouri boarding school

Wrongful death suit filed vs. Missouri boarding school
Mom sues because her son, gang raped there, is now dead
Unusual case names eight defendants; two of them are sheriffs
It also accuses a company that transports kids to such facilities
Victims also call for better laws & enforcement 'to prevent more abuse'

Holding signs and childhood photos at a sidewalk news conference, clergy sex abuse victims will
--announce the first-ever wrongful death lawsuit against a controversial, unlicensed, independent  and now-shuttered Baptist facility for 'troubled teenagers' in southern Missouri, and
--call on Missouri lawmakers to pass a new law that would expand the state's civil statute of limitations on abuse which would enable more child sex abuse victims to expose those who commit or conceal child sex crimes in court.
--urge local and state law enforcement agencies to more aggressively investigate similar schools and more vigorously prosecute wrongdoers.

Tuesday, Oct. 24 at 1:00 p.m.

On the sidewalk outside the Federal Courthouse 400 E. 9th Street in downtown Kansas City, MO

Groups seek Vatican’s help re: Springfield IL bishop

Groups seek Vatican’s help re: Springfield bishop

SNAP files formal complaint about him to Vatican

Two men hurt by local clerics speak for the first time
They name 2 'already outed' Spgfld area predator priests

Victims want to speak to big upcoming diocesan assembly

Holding signs and childhood photos at a sidewalk news conference, clergy sex abuse victims will announce that their group is filing with the Vatican (under a new and little-known church process) a lengthy formal complaint charging that Springfield's bishop is deliberately protecting predator priests and making it harder for victims to report abuse.

Two Illinois men will also speak publicly for the first time about the childhood suffering they experienced. One man was molested by a local priest. The other was molested by his brother who was molested by a different local priest.

The group will also:
--use chalk to write on the sidewalk the names of proven, admitted &/or credibly accused child molesting clerics who are or were in the Springfield Diocese but are NOT on the official diocesan 'credibly accused' list, and
--ask Springfield's bishop to let victims them speak later this month at a diocese-wide assembly.  

Thursday, Oct. 19 at 1:00 pm

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