SNAP Media Events
SNAP leaders call on the Archdiocese of San Antonio to update the abusive clergy list and to include Marianists priests who served San Antonio
WHAT: Holding signs at a news conference, survivors of clergy abuse and their supporters will identify the accused Marianist clergy members who have worked in this community, provide contact information for support for any new survivors coming forward, urging them to report any abuse to law enforcement first. SNAP calls out the archdiocese and St. Mary’s to be proactive in finding survivors who may need support.
WHEN: Wednesday, June 23, 2021. 12pm
WHERE: Outside the San Antonio Archdiocese headquarters, 2718 Woodlawn Ave, on the public sidewalk in front of the Archdiocese sign.
Victims blast St. Paul archbishop
Victims blast St. Paul archbishop
They reveal names of 5 “still hidden” predators
Wife of serial predator speaks out for the 1st time
He has reportedly raped a girl & abused 44 women
Group also blasts church report on Fr. McDonough
And a victim of a serial Catholic composer speaks up
Pennsylvania Survivors and Advocates to urge Majority Leader Senator Kim Ward to run H.B. 951 on the floor for a full Senate vote.
Press Advisory
(For Immediate Release May 7, 2021)
SNAP, CHILD USA, CHILD USAdvocacy, & The United Front – United Front Gathers Pennsylvania Survivors and Advocates to urge Majority Leader Senator Kim Ward to run H.B. 951 on the floor for a full Senate vote.
WHAT: SNAP, CHILD USA, CHILD USAdvocacy, and The United Front, alongside a group called ‘Survivors Taking the Steps,’ will hold a news conference in front of the Pennsylvania Capitol to;
- Urge Majority Leader Senator Kim Ward to bring H.B. 951, a statutory window, to the Senate floor for a vote, and
- Call on Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Corman to continue his support and encourage senate members to demand H.B. 951 be brought for a vote.
WHO: Pennsylvania Survivors and Advocates including the Fortney Family for Justice, SNAP Leader Mary McHale, SNAP Board Member Shaun Dougherty, CHILD USA Legal Director Alice Bohn, Esq., and SNAP Communications Manager Michael McDonnell.
WHEN: Monday, May 10th, 2021, 10 am
WHERE: On the main Capitol steps, 501 N. 3rd St Harrisburg, PA.
WHY: Justice for victims of child sex abuse in Pennsylvania is needed now. Survivors have long held the liability and it is time to shift the cost of abuse back to where it belongs: at the feet of the abuser and those who enabled them. Each day that legislators fail to act on H.B. 951, predators remain hidden and children remain at risk. Survivors deserve the right to the legal process for discovery and justice. At this press conference, survivors and advocates will explain why “enough is enough” and will gather to encourage other Pennsylvanians to join the fight for healing, justice, and accountability.
New pedophile priests are exposed Five are not on Rockford’s ‘accused’ list
New pedophile priests are exposed
Five are not on Rockford’s ‘accused’ list
One was convicted but is still in a parish
Another reportedly admitted child sex crime
And church officials call 2 ‘credibly accused’
Victims urge cooperation with IL AG probe
Victims ‘out’ 4 more accused Charlotte clerics
They are not on diocese’s ‘credibly accused’ list
Group blasts Catholic officials for “abuse secrecy”
Victims ‘out’ 4 ‘credibly accused’ priests in NC
SNAP to bishop “List those who abuse vulnerable adults too”
And victims urge others to come forward before legal deadline
Victims blast top Chicago official
Victims blast top Chicago official
SNAP: Dangerous predators still being hidden
Cardinal ‘splits hairs’ & keeps abusive clergy off his list
“He sets a terrible example to other bishops,” they say
Cupich’s peers in Illinois & across the US disclose more
And, SNAP charges, he lets his flock intimidate victims
Victims ‘out’ 5 more accused Spgfld priests
Victims ‘out’ 5 more accused Spgfld priests
They are not on diocese’s ‘credibly accused’ list
Bishop ignores earlier request to add 9 other names
A recently accused priest is in undisclosed location
Group blasts Bishop Paprocki on sex allegations
SNAP: “His official website is deceptive & hurtful
Abuse victims blast Catholic officials’ secrecy
Abuse victims blast Catholic officials’ secrecy
They want names added to church ‘accused’ list
Four priests are ‘missing’- two admitted abuse
“Bishop can’t pretend they weren’t here,” victims say
Belleville prelate soon celebrates his first anniversary
He recently & quietly ‘outed’ three other accused priests