MA - Sex abuse victims praise Globe editor who's moving on
Globe editor Martin Baron is moving on to the Washington Post. Every parent in the US should be grateful to him.
In an unprecedented and brave move, he gave the Globe's superb investigative team the green light to thoroughly investigate widespread clergy sex crimes and heinous cover ups, first in Boston, then across America. As a result of his courage and their incredible skill and determination, thousands of child molesting clerics and hundreds of corrupt Catholic officials have been publicly exposed. Some of the criminals have been prosecuted and many of them have been ousted from schools and parishes. Literally tens of thousands of girls and boys are safer because of Baron's bold and compassionate decision and the Globe's tenacious and solid reporting.
We wish Mr. Baron well at the Washington Post and will always be deeply grateful for his historic role in the on-going global movement to safeguard children from predator priests and complicit bishops.
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