Letter from SNAP Missouri to Missouri's Attorney General
The below is a copy of a letter that was sent to Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt from leaders of SNAP Missouri.
Dear Attorney General Schmitt:
We’re very confused. We need your help.
On the one hand, we want to encourage our members to cooperate with you and your probe of clergy sex crimes and cover ups. We know many victims find it stressful in the short term but healing in the long term to talk with secular authorities about their betrayal. We know that many victims feel better when they do their part to expose and deter irresponsible behavior that endangers kids.
On the other hand, the very last thing we want is for already-suffering abuse victims to suffer more. We do not want to prematurely and falsely raise hopes for possible justice and healing, only to have those hopes dashed later. We don’t want to urge them to cooperate with a probe that turns out to be a whitewash.
So we don’t know what to do about your office’s supposedly look into clergy sex crimes and cover ups.
We’re particularly puzzled and frustrated by your unwillingness to respond to us. For more than six months now, we’ve tried in various ways to reach you. We’ve sent emails. We’ve send registered “return mail requested” letters. We’ve held news conferences outside your offices. We’ve written op eds.
But we get no reply.
Would you investigate racist crimes and cover ups without talking with the NAACP?
Would you look into harm done to agricultural personnel by chemicals without talking with the Farm Bureau?
Would you claim you’re doing a probe into wage theft without talking to labor unions?
So why on earth would you say you’re delving into clergy sex crimes and cover ups in Catholic institutions without talking with the leadership of SNAP, the nation’s oldest and largest support group for clergy sex abuse victims?
Please, for the healing of victims and the safety of kids, help us understand this. Please, at this point, at least respond to our letter.
Thank you.
David G. Clohessy
314-566-9790 (cell)
Jim McConnell
Kansas City SNAP Leader