Jury awards pedophile priest’s victim $1 million; SNAP responds
We are grateful to this victim who was brave enough to step forward and wise enough to take legal action.
No amount of money can restore a stolen childhood, shattered trust or devastated faith. Still, these unbiased jurors sent a powerful message – if you ignore and conceal and enable heinous crimes against kids, a day of reckoning will come.
We hope this verdict will help others who’ve been sexually assaulted as kids to speak up, get help, call police, expose wrongdoing and protect kids. There are countless men, women, teens and kids who have been molested and are suffering in shame, silence, and self-blame. We hope they’ll find the courage to get help and start healing.
Read the story here: http://www.courant.com/news/connecticut/hc-priest-abuse-verdict-0211-20120210,0,1752074.story
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