IL - 5 questions this morning for Chicago archdiocese about abuse
For the third time in a week, at a news conference this morning, Chicago Catholic officials will put their spin on abuse records which will be made public next week. Here are some questions they should be asked:
1) A third of the priests in the archdiocese are religious order priests. Fourteen bishops list those predators on their websites. You unilaterally refuse to do likewise. Why?
2) Almost 30 U.S. bishops voluntarily list names of predator priests on their websites. You had to be forced to do so through litigation. Why?
3) An independent archive group,, lists 121 publicly accused Chicago child molesting clerics. Your website lists only around 65 such clerics. Why the discrepancy?
4) The Philadelphia archdiocesan predator priest list includes photographs, assignment histories (including time in treatment facilities), and current status.
Why won't you provide this helpful information about Chicago predator priests?
5) Why did the archdiocese fight the disclosure of these records for eight years?
NOTE - SNAP will hold a news conference today at 11:15 outside the Chicago archdiocesan chancery office. For details: David Clohessy314 566 9790, [email protected], Barbara Dorris 314 503 0003, [email protected]