Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Faces Lawsuit for Sexual Harassment: SNAP Reacts
Two nuns are suing the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (GOA) forsexual harassment and cover-up. In 2017 the sisters reported years of abuse by a high ranking priest.
According to the GOA, the cleric admitted that he had “inappropriate relations” with two women, one in Massachusetts and one in Brooklyn. But instead of helping the sisters when they spoke up, Church officials retaliated, saying that they would send these Americans to Greece to learn to be “good nuns.”
SNAP applauds these courageous survivors for coming forward. No one – child, parishioner, religious brother or sister, seminarian or clergy – should be subjected to sexual abuse or harassment by a spiritual superior. And no faith community should tolerate this conduct.
This type of abuse is incredibly damaging to the victim, and can even culminate in suicide. There is absolutely no excuse for a church to allow such a perpetrator to remain in ministry.
We hope that others who experienced sexual abuse or harassment in the GOA will be inspired by the nuns, and instead of reporting to the Church will call independent sources of help, such as law enforcement, therapists, and support groups like ours.
CONTACT: Melanie Sakoda, SNAP Orthodox Christian Leader ([email protected],925-708-6175), Zach Hiner, SNAP Executive Director ([email protected], 517-974-9009)
(SNAP, the Survivors Network, has been providing support for victims of sexual abuse in institutional settings for 30 years. We have more than 25,000 survivors and supporters in our network. Our website is