Double standards at the Vatican?

The speed at which the Vatican has accepted the resignation of Michel Aupetit, the archbishop of Paris, has raised eyebrows, particularly in contrast with the pope's reluctance to deal with others who had mishandled sexual abuse cases.

The official reason for Aupetit's resignation was an "ambiguous" relationship with a woman in the past - without any suggestion of sexual abuse, only the suspicion that the relationship may have been a bit too close.   This aspect is underplayed in an otherwise thoughtful article in The Tablet, which mentions "flimsy" sexual allegations.   The article correctly details other reasons, namely  Aupetit's glaring lack of "human, political and cultural skills" as the main reason for his resignation.

Contrast the "brutal speed" with which Aupetit's resignation was accepted with the pope's reluctance to accept the resignations of Cardinals Barbarin in France and Woelki in Germany who had dragged their feet about well-known cases of sexual abuse in their dioceses.   There seems to be a double standard with the Catholic Church being more uncomfortable with an archbishop who may have broken the rule on celibacy and may be undiplomatic than with those who cover up and ignore ghastly cases of sexual abuse in their midst. 

Marc Artrzouni - SNAP Europe 

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  • Michael McDonnell
    published this page in Blog 2021-12-06 08:34:41 -0600

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