Children in Buffalo Bear the Brunt of Catholic Officials’ Abuse and Cover-up

Millions of dollars have been diverted from schools and programs for children thanks to the decision by Catholic officials in Buffalo to resolve the lawsuits brought on by their cover-up of sexual abuse with a bankruptcy. We hope that parishioners in Buffalo will divert donations towards these children and their schools instead of continuing to give money to Diocesan leaders.

According to the Buffalo News, $3.8 million has been spent this year on attorney fees and bankruptcy-related expenses. We have to assume this number will only grow as the bankruptcy continues to drag on. The sad fact in this case is that it is children, teachers, and parents who are bearing the brunt of mismanagement by Catholic officials in Buffalo who chose to declare bankruptcy rather than face lawsuits brought about due to their enabling and covering up of sexual abuse. It was children who were harmed in the first place, and it is children being harmed now.

It is difficult for us to ignore the fact that bankruptcy was declared to help continue a cover-up. We hope that the judge overseeing the bankruptcy will force the Diocese of Buffalo to make a complete disclosure of facts about abuse uncovered during the proceedings. This would allow secular authorities to better discern who enabled what, and when. These cycles of abuse will repeat if secular authorities do not put in place guardrails that prevent bishops and other Church officials from hiding the truth.

CONTACT: Zach Hiner, SNAP Executive Director ([email protected], 517-974-9009)

(SNAP, the Survivors Network, has been providing support for victims of sexual abuse in institutional settings for 30 years. We have more than 25,000 survivors and supporters in our network. Our website is

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