Catholic monk joins Msgr. Craig Harrison accusers
It's been almost a month since Msgr. Craig Harrison was put on leave pending an investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct. We've seen huge support for Msgr. Harrison, and we've seen support from victim advocacy groups for the men who've come forward.
In an exclusive interview, we hear from someone still part of the Catholic clergy.
Speaking out against another member of the church is something he says he never imagined he'd do, but after much prayer and many sleepless nights, he says he know this is the right thing.
But we want to start with reaction from Harrison's attorney to the clergy member's statement.
"I'm not shocked," attorney Kyle Humphrey said. "This is an effort to frame and destroy Fr. Craig as a means to get to the deep pockets of the church.
Humphrey said, "This is very much like the 'Game of Thrones,' players with individual motives to build their own little kingdoms."
17'S Olivia LaVoice has his story.
Brother Justin Gilligan said coming forward is the hardest decision he's ever made.
As a Catholic monk and someone studying to become a priest, speaking out against another priest is almost unheard of, but he said he couldn't stand by and watch people misinterpret how the events unfolded in the early stages of the Harrison investiga...