CA--Victims want predators’ names from North CA dioceses
Victims want predators’ names from North CA dioceses
Last year, six Catholic institutions in Minnesota did this
Last month, Seattle archbishop released 77 predators’ names
Another may do so next month; 30 bishops have taken this step
But at least 2,800 accused priests’ names remain hidden,” group says
SNAP: “San Jose & San Francisco dioceses are among biggest offenders”
Some perps are still near kids now as teachers & therapists, victims say
“Spotlight-style investigations still needed in most cities,” organization charges
Holding signs and childhood photos while giving leaflets to mass-goers in ten cities – including Oakland - clergy sex abuse victims and concerned parishioners will urge Catholic bishops in the nation’s largest dioceses to disclose the names of 2,800 accused predator priests whose identities are still hidden. They will also
--commend the 30 bishops who have posted pedophile priests on their websites,
--urge employers and neighbors to “google search” ex-priests they know & see if they’re accused,
--push for ending or extending the statute of limitations so more predators are exposed,
--beg all Catholic employees to “aggressively seek out others who may have seen, suspected or suffered child sex crimes” by these and other child molesting clerics, and
--prod church-goers to see the film Spotlight and urge family and friends to do likewise.
Sunday, Feb. 28 at 11:00 a.m.
On the sidewalk outside the Cathedral of Christ the Light, 2121 Harrison Street in Oakland
Small groups of clergy sex abuse victims, their families, their supporters and concerned Catholics who belong to a group called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (
About 30 US bishops (out of almost 200) have posted predator priests’ names on their websites. But only two out of 12 California bishops have done so, SNAP says (LA and San Diego).
Two of the US’ largest dioceses that have not done this are San Jose and San Francisco. The LA archdiocese did so because it was forcded to during litigation, but its list needs updating, SNAP charges.
US bishops admit some 6,400 priests are accused of abuse. An independent archive group,, identifies nearly 4,000 alleged predator priests by name (including 72 in the NYC archdiocese) but says that 2,800 US priests who are accused of molesting kids have not been publicly identified.
“We’re grateful for the attention being paid to the film ‘Spotlight,’ said SNAP outreach director Barbara Dorris. “But bishops are hiding the names of 43% of the US accused predator priests. More ‘spotlights’ need to be shown on those who commit and conceal these awful crimes so that kids can be protected.”
Besides Oakland, the events will take place this Saturday and Sunday on sidewalks outside churches in New York City, Dallas, Seattle, Houston, Miami, Los Angeles/Orange County, Washington DC & St. Louis.
Last month, the Seattle Catholic archdiocese released a list of 77 child molesting clerics who worked there.
Over the last year or two, seven Minnesota-based church institutions did likewise (St. John’s Abbey, the Crosier Fathers, the St. Paul/Minneapolis Archdiocese and the dioceses of Crookston, Duluth, St. Cloud and Winona).
Next month, Yakima’ bishop may do the same.
“For the safety of kids and the health of the church, we want bishops to reveal and post on their websites the names of 2,800 accused predator priests whose identities remain hidden,” said David Clohessy of St. Louis, director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (314 566 9790). “Hundreds or thousands of proven, admitted and credibly accused child molesting priests, nuns, bishops, seminarians and other church workers now live - and sometime work - among unaware, trusting and vulnerable neighbors and colleagues. That’s a reckless recipe for repeated crimes.”
“All bishops should post all names of proven, admitted and credibly accused clerics,” said SNAP founder Barbara Blaine of Chicago. “This is the quickest, cheapest, easiest, safest way to warn parents, police, prosecutors, parishioners & the public about predators. It’s also the very least bishops should do, since they recruited, educated, ordained, hired, trained, transferred & shielded these predators, often helping them evade prosecution by keeping secrets until legal deadlines expired.”
After being suspended from parishes because of abuse reports, bishops let many predator priests get other jobs, inside or outside the church, where they have access to kids, SNAP says.
“Over the years, dozens of ousted pedophile priests have turned up as coaches, teachers, and social workers – jobs they have no business holding,” said Clohessy. “In Illinois, Ohio, and South Dakota, at least three such clerics have been found living next to day care centers.”
“Right now, a credibly accused child molesting Minnesota cleric, Fr. Michael Charland, is working as a therapist,” said Joelle Casteix, SNAP’s western regional director(949 322 7434, [email protected]).
“And a former Orange County Catholic school teacher – Thomas Hodgman - who admitted sexually abusing two girls, and got one of them pregnant and gave her a sexually transmitted disease, now teaches at Adrian College in Michigan,” she said.
The fliers SNAP will hand to parishioners urge church members to watch the film “Spotlight,” learn the names of predator priests in their dioceses and urge anyone who “saw, suspected or suffered abuse” to “protect kids, expose wrongdoers and prevent cover ups” by calling police.
“We’ll also beg all current and former Catholic employees to aggressively seek out others who may have been hurt by abusive priests, nuns, bishops, seminarians, brothers or other church personnel,” said Clohessy. “We’re convinced that thousands who were assaulted, as innocent kids or vulnerable adults, suffer today in silence, shame and self-blame. They need and deserve comfort and healing.”
“It’s crucial that any information or suspicions about clergy sex crimes or cover ups – no matter how small, old or seemingly insignificant - get reported to the experienced, unbiased professionals in law enforcement, not to the secretive and often self-serving bureaucrats in church offices,” stressed Dorris.
“Almost without exception, bishops who have posted names have done so under pressure,” said Casteix. “Often, they do this to forestall legislative reforms that would enable more victims to expose predator priests through lawsuits. But all bishops should be doing this voluntarily without prodding.”
A detailed list of the SNAP events, is here:
The largest dioceses that have **NOT** posted predators’ names are New York, Brooklyn, Rockville Centre, Newark, Orange in California, Houston, San Bernardino, Dallas, Brownsville, Miami, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Trenton, Buffalo, Hartford, Providence, San Antonio, El Paso, San Jose, Fresno, Washington DC, and Metuchen NJ.
Melanie Jula Sakoda 925-708-6175 cell, [email protected], Tim Lennon 415-312-5820, [email protected], David Clohessy 314 645 5915 home,314 566 9790 cell, [email protected], Barbara Dorris 314 503 0003, [email protected]
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