MK Safety Net Becomes Bronze Level Sponsor for SNAP’s Mini-Conferences
We are delighted to announce that MK Safety Net has become a Bronze Level Sponsor for SNAP’s 2021 virtual mini-conferences. Each of these one-day conferences is free to attendees and will provide new resources for support of and education to our audience of advocates, sexual abuse survivors, and their families.
Diamonds and Rust
This blog was written by Adults Sexually Abused by Priests (ASAP)
I have heard it said that until you learn a lesson, it will keep repeating.
Let me be clear, I’m not blaming anyone for what was done to them. What I am saying is….do you ever ask yourself why a certain something always seems to happen to you?
The Question
This blog was written by Adults Sexually Abused by Priests (ASAP)
One of the rules of SNAP is that we are not supposed to ask for or give advice. Yet many survivors have important questions and seek guidance and reassurance. The best way, of course, to learn and to share knowledge is to pass along our own experiences. That is encouraged in SNAP meetings. We express how we feel and what has worked for us and let others listen and take from that what makes sense to them and what will help them.
The Rose
This blog was written by Adults Sexually Abused by Priests (ASAP)
When you grow up in a dysfunctional situation….and by that I mean one in which the concept of self and what it means to be loved and your worthiness for affection and attention…are not ideal to set you on the path towards a future of healthy adulthood…life can be confusing.
Survivor Speak Out: Statement by Richard Hayes Phillips
The below statement was given by Richard Hayes Phillips during the Survivor Speak Out sponsored by SNAP, The Army of Survivors, and Together 4 Girls on April 8 World Day for Prevention. We are grateful to Richard for sharing his story with us and hope it inspires other survivors to come forward and find their own path towards healing, prevention, and justice.
Wicked Games
This blog was written by Adults Sexually Abused by Priests (ASAP)
This past week, I stumbled across a movie called “Compliance”. It is a deeply disturbing film about how far someone will go to obey an authority figure. What makes it even more disturbing is that it is based on fact. You don’t know this until the end, however, when you find out that what happens in the movie has taken place over 70 times in 30 different states. For real.
Head Games
This blog was written by Adults Sexually Abused by Priests (ASAP)
Well, last week we found out that most people are somewhat happy. That’s good. This week we are polling people about their sense of paranoia.
We discussed this a bit in our weekly meeting and one person suggested using a site called “Delete Me” which is supposed to track and delete your information that is collected on-line. He said there is a fee of $129.00 a year for this service. I’m not recommending this site. As with any site, use caution. I just wanted to pass that information along to anyone who may be uncomfortable with the stuff that people can find on them.
Along the way, I have heard from people who have had to pull up roots because of their abuse by the church. And they don’t just fear the clergy. Some people have been harassed by fine church-going people in their neighborhood.
Annual Meeting of the Bishops' Conference of France (23-26 March): Some progress but a long road ahead
At their annual meeting held in Lourdes, French bishops have expressed their shame and accepted responsibility for the decades of sexual abuse perpetrated by Catholic priests. However they offer only "financial compensation" to victims while rejecting the legally fraught notions of compensation or reparation.
Therapeutic fencing workshops for survivors of sexual abuse: The French experience
The French support group "Stop aux Violences Sexuelles" has since 2013 put in place fencing workshops for survivors of sexual abuse based on the principle of "therapeutic transference". This document describes the program with a view to its adoption/adaptation in other countries.
SNAP New Zealand Playing a Key Role in the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-Based Institutions
The New Zealand Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-Based Institutions is conducting its Faith-Based Redress Hearing - Phase Two, from March 15 to 29, 2021. Witnesses for Faith-based institutions will give evidence before the Commission on their processes for resolving historic and current abuse claims.