All Survivors Day -- November 3rd -- A National day to recognize survivors of sexual abuse
All Survivors Day
‘Save the date’ for a National All Survivors Day on November 3, 2018.
This event is designed for all survivors of sexual abuse, not just children, not just in religious communities, but everywhere, including: on college campuses, in the military, within sports, and in schools, just to name a few.
What We Propose:
A National day to recognize survivors of sexual abuse and rape
All Survivors Day, November 3rd.
It is an extension of All Saints Day November 1st, and All Souls Day on the 2nd. What follows is All Survivors Day on November 3rd.
The recent Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report spotlighted the horrific ubiquity of sexual abuse within one institution; it also pointed to the truth that this scourge is far-reaching, across society, organizations, and events. The horrific findings of the grand jury wholly confirm the understanding of all advocates in the field of sexual abuse and human rights—this happens everywhere—churches, universities, sports teams, military, schools.
~We want to call out to victims and survivors, and say, we are with you.
~We welcome your stories. We honor your courage. You are not alone.
~We especially want to cultivate and create a welcoming culture where victims feel safe to step forward. As you know, most victims of sexual abuse never step forward.
Catholics Fired Up! Times Up! We Demand the Truth
CatholicsFired Up:“Times Up!We Demand Truth”
United States and Rome -- On September 8 and 9, Catholics across the United States will protest at their local cathedrals and parishes demanding truth and accountability from Catholic bishops who covered up clergy sex abuse.On August 14, a Grand Jury in Pennsylvania released a report detailing the abuse suffered by over 1,000 child victims, and names over 300 Catholic priests as credibly accused. In addition to the individual crimes, the report shed light on the decades long effort of Catholic Church officials to shield the perpetrators from prosecution, and generally hide details of the crimes from the public.“Justice for survivors is foremost on the minds of Catholics today,” said Kate McElwee, executive director of Women’s Ordination Conference. “We need civil investigations of clergy sexual abuse in every state, the elimination of age limits for victims to report, the elimination of non-disclosure agreements, and a tightening of laws that require professionals to report abuse, and an end to disclosure agreements that bar victims from cooperating in criminal prosecutions.”“Catholics are calling on the U.S. Bishops and Pope Francis to unseal all documents related to clergy sex abuse cover up and to conduct a full, immediate, and independent investigation of any and all allegations of cover up in the case of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick and other prelates who have engaged in criminal activities,” said Zach Johnson, executive director of Call To Action.“Catholics are also demanding that any investigation must be led by laity in order to re-establish trust with Catholics in the U.S. and elsewhere,” said Deborah Rose-Milavec, executive director of FutureChurch. “A rampant sense of entitlement and unchecked power afforded to clerics that is often referred to as ‘clericalism’ has created this crisis, and we need competent lay people to oversee all aspects of cleaning it up.”To learn more about the protests on September 8 and 9 and to download an organizing kit, go to learn more and see information and pictures from local events go to: Johnson, executive director Call To Action, [email protected], 773.988.2352Deborah Rose-Milavec, executive director FutureChurch,[email protected],Mobile: 513.673.1401 Office: 216.228.0869Kate McElwee, executive director Women’s Ordination Conference,[email protected], USA: +1 607-725-1364 Italy: +39 393 692 2100Supporting Organizations:Women’s Ordination Conference www.womensordination.orgNew Ways Ministry www.newwaysministry.orgFutureChurch www.futurechurch.orgCall To Action www.cta-usa.orgRoman Catholic Womenpriests
Act Now
Dear Survivors and Supporters of SNAP,
We call on you take action.
Tim Lennon
The Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report created a firestorm. Communities across the nation demand action. Several states are looking at some form of investigation as the result of our call, NY, IL, NE, MD, AZ, RI, LA, MO. We need to propel these attorneys general forward to action. We have lit a fire. There is no going back.
Open a Window for Justice Campaign
CHILD USA ( is raising funds to pay for a media campaign that will educate the public on what child sex abuse survivors need, in the wake of the PA Grand Jury Report jury that exposed abuse in six dioceses. It will feature survivors who testified to the grand jury and the lawmaker and survivor who has been leading the charge for justice in the state of Pennsylvania, Rep. Mark Rozzi.
Your support will help transform statute of limitations reform nationwide. Donate to this sister organization.
CrowdRise Donation for Open a Window
Attorneys in Pennsylvania who may be able to represent your interests
Richard Serbin, Altoona PA 814-944-4384
Kevin Abromawich, Philadelphia PA 888.919.6237
Alan Perer, Pittsburgh PA 866-281-1970
Mitchell Garabedian, Boston MA 888-995-2214
Jeff Herman, Florida 800-686-9921
Jeff Anderson, Minnesota 888.919.6237
Mathews and Associates, Philadelphia 215-344-7553
The recent horrific exposure of widespread abuse of children in Pennsylvania brings many survivors forward to take action. An attorney can best advocate for you and represent your interests.
A couple points to remember:
~Most attorneys will take cases on contingency, where they get a percentage of any award or settlement you receive.
~The process may take a couple of months stretching to a year or more.
~The process can be difficult. Opposing attorneys can be aggressive and harsh.
Prominent Catholic Leader Calls for Grand Jury in Every State
SNAP Calls for Action in Pennsylvania -- Monday, Aug. 20th and Tuesday, Aug. 21st
SNAP Calls for Action -- Monday, Aug. 20th and Tuesday, Aug. 21st
Apologies and gestures are meaningless with out action
Join us Erie, Pittsburgh, Greensburg, Harrisburg, Scranton, and Allentown
Call to Action
We ask that you support these events in the six dioceses and attend the SNAP support groups.
The Pennsylvania grand jury has world wide media attention and an outpouring of support from every sector and nation.
PENNSYLVANIA Actions, Rallies, Support Groups
Harrisburg PA Becky Innai, (703) 801-6044 [email protected]
Press event
Monday, August 20th
12:30 pm
Diocese of Harrisburg offices
4800 Union Deposit Road, Harrisburg, PA.
Support meeting
August 20th
3-4:30 pm
McCormick Riverfront Library at 101 Walnut St, Harrisburg, PA 17101.
<more events, resources, and links below>
Scranton PA Tim Lennon, President, (415) 312-5820 [email protected]
Press event
Monday, August 20th
11 am
Cathedral of St. Peter, 315 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, PA 18503
Support Group
Monday, August 20th
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Albright Memorial Library, 500 Vine Street, Scranton PA 18509
Allentown PA Tim Lennon, President, (415) 312-5820 [email protected]
Press Event
Tuesday, August 21st
11 am
Cathedral of St Catharine of Siena, 1825 W Turner St, Allentown, PA 18104
Support group
Tuesday, August 21st
5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Allentown Public Library, 1210 Hamilton St, Allentown, PA
Pittsburgh PA Judy Jones, [email protected], (636) 433-2511
Press Event
Monday, August 20th
11 am
Pittsburgh diocese headquarters (chancery office), 111 Boulevard of the Allies (corner of Stanwix) in Pittsburgh, PA
Greensburg PA Judy Jones, [email protected], (636) 433-2511
Press Event
Monday, August 20th
1:30 pm
Greensburg diocese headquarters, 723 E Pittsburgh St, in Greensburg, PA
SNAP Support Group
Monday, August 20th
6-pm to 8-pm
Meeting at Carnegie Library-Southside Branch, Pittsburgh
2205 East Carson St., Pittsburgh, PA
Erie PA Judy Jones, [email protected], (636) 433-2511
Press Event
Tuesday, Aug 21st
11:30 am
Erie diocese chancery office, St. Mark Catholic Center, 429 E. Grandview Blvd Erie, PA
SNAP Support Group
August 21st
6 pm to 8 pm
Public library -- Blasco Memorial Library
160 East Front Street, Erie, PA
Further Support Available
SARCC (Sexual Assault Resource and Counseling Center) is a nonprofit providing no-cost counseling, support, and prevention education for sexual violence in Lebanon and Schuylkill Counties.
717-270-6972 // 570-628-2965
KCIT (Keystone Crisis Intervention Team), a statewide group of volunteers that support victims and their communities after a criminal crisis. KCIT is here to support the communities affected by the recent report. We had provided support to churches after the Philadelphia report was released in 2013.
If you hear of any churches or communities group that may need help processing this or are holding an event that they need emotional support staff for, please let them know that KCIT is available, free of charge. They can call and talk to me about their current needs at 1-855-767-5248.
Also, please let me know if there is anyway KCIT can support SNAP in this challenging time. Thank you.
Michelle Kern, MA
KCIT Coordinator
Network of Victim Assistance
(215) 343-6543
LINKS Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network Darkness to Light Together We Heal Road to Recovery MaleSurvivor National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Victims with the Protestant community Ending Clergy Abuse (International Organization)
Special note for special people: Maintain database of known Catholic clergy abusers as well the
Historians of our movement. Books, articles, research on the foundation and scope of the sexual abuse of
children within the church. Richard Sipe, a warrior for survivors recently passed, he is mourned
by all who knew him. His life’s work gave authority to the harm we only knew ourselves.
SNAP fact sheet on innovative legal moves against Catholic wrongdoers
--A Massachusetts priest, Fr. James R. Porter, was successfully prosecuted after moving across state lines to Minnesota, using an obscure law that dated from the 1800s. (He was one of the nation's most prolific predators, with more than 100 victims, in Texas, Massachusetts, New Mexico and Minnesota.)
--A Missouri priest, Fr. Thomas Graham, was convicted because then-Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce found and took advantage of an old and obscure legislative error. State lawmakers re-codified the criminal code and mistakenly did not include a statute of limitations on "crimes against nature." The next year, legislators corrected their mistake. But for that one year, Joyce successfully argued, the omission meant that offenders could still be charged decades later. (The state Supreme Court later reversed Graham's conviction, but the victim, Lyn Woolfolk, nonetheless felt validated. And through media coverage, Catholics learned more about abuse in the St. Louis archdiocese.)
Richard Sipe -- We lost a giant
We Honor Richard Sipe and Mourn His Passing
Another warrior has fallen.
Sadly, A.W. Richard Sipe passed away on August 8th. He was a courageous soul who did battle with the ignorance, arrogance, and mindless authoritarianism of the largest institution in the world, the Roman Catholic Church. He engaged with passion and argued with facts and research. He stood alongside survivors and fought with us and for us. He was a comrade in arms, linked to all of us.
Those of us who were fortunate enough to know Richard recognized his heroism and courage, which may not be apparent to those on the outside. We shall carry our warm memories forward and keep them close. Richard was indeed a hero, and his bravery will inspire us as we continue to move forward. He will be sorely missed.
We here at SNAP honor A. W. Richard Sipe and mourn his passing.
SNAP Board of Directors
Richard spent 18 years as a Benedictine monk and priest and trained specifically to deal with the mental health problems of priests. He conducted a 25-year ethnographic study of the celibate/sexual behavior of that population. His study, published in 1990, is now considered a classic. He served as a consultant and expert witness in hundreds of civil and criminal cases involving the sexual abuse of minors by priests. Richard is known internationally for his many books and studies.
Here, Richard and Phil Saviano discuss the church's response to allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct.
Richard has four books on SNAP's recommended reading list: Courage At Three AM, Sex, Priests and Power: Anatomy of a Crisis, Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes: The Catholic Church's 2,000-Year Paper Trail of Sexual Abuse, and Celibacy in Crisis: A Secret World Revisited.
2018 SNAP Conference Chicago
2018 SNAP Conference in Chicago
The conference was a great success and we really appreciate your feedback. SNAP will strive to make next year’s conference even better using the information that you shared with us.
This was the first year that we lived streamed the conference. We experienced some technical difficulties that we will work to correct before next year’s conference.
SNAP Conference Committee