Bishops created a committee to hide archives from discovery

As the last prosecution witness in the Philadelphia priest sex-abuse trial took the stand last week, the jury was told about an Archdiocese of Philadelphia document turned over to prosecutors.

That document suggested the late Cardinal Anthony J. Bevilacqua and other Pennsylvania bishops formed an ad hoc committee to "better protect ... from civil law discovery" secret-archive files of priests with a history of problems, including of allegations of sexually abusing minors.

The Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia kept sensitive personnel files in "secret archives," trial witnesses have said on several occasions.

The document that jurors were shown Wednesday was the only mention of that committee, and the rest of the day's testimony focused on defendant Monsignor William J. Lynn's compilation of a list of 35 priests who had reporte...


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Showing 4 comments

  • Annette Kissell Nestler
    commented 2012-05-22 15:02:17 -0500
    Time for prosecutors and politicians to wake up and pay attention!
  • Frank Lostaunau
    commented 2012-05-22 14:11:06 -0500
    What’s “more important” than the safety of innocent children is the career of a politician.
  • Annette Kissell Nestler
    commented 2012-05-21 13:51:46 -0500
    Enough is enough. Time for transperency. Prosecutors and politicians pay close attention. What could be more important than the safety of children, your flock, your church. The names of pedophile/predator priests need to be released in all diocese just like Philadelphia, so healing can begin.
    Annette Nestler-SNAP Southern New Jersey
  • John M Shuster
    commented 2012-05-21 11:55:59 -0500
    Predatory organizations always try to portray themselves as victims with no responsibility for what has happened. They don’t want to go to jail.

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