AZ--Priest arrested for TX murder; Victims respond

For immediate release: Tuesday, Feb. 9, 201

Statement by Barbara Dorris of St. Louis, Outreach Director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (314 503 0003, [email protected]

A priest who has long lived in Arizona has been arrested for murdering a Texas girl. We are deeply grateful that John Feit has been apprehended

We are thrilled that Rene Guerra – who has refused to aggressively pursue a murder case involving a priest -- was defeated at the polls and that newly elected prosecutor Ricardo Rodriguez honored his pledge to re-open this troubling case.

Guerra made biased and hurtful comments that will make it harder for police and prosecutors to pursue criminals (because he publicly and inappropriately attacked the honesty of a witness, which deters other witnesses from stepping forward)

We hope that this move brings some hope to Garza's family. And we hope that anyone who may have seen, suspected or suffered clergy crimes or cover ups in the Brownsville diocese will call police, expose wrongdoers, protect others and start healing. 

We also hope that Brownsville Bishop Daniel Flores will use personal appeals, parish bulletins, church websites and pulpit announcements to beg others with information or suspicions about Feit to call law enforcement immediately. Now is no time for Catholic officials to act powerless or for citizens to be complacent. Every shred of evidence – no matter how small, old or seemingly insignificant – should be withheld from police and prosecutors.

SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, is the world’s oldest and largest support group for clergy abuse victims. SNAP was founded in 1988 and has more than 20,000 members. Despite the word “priest” in our title, we have members who were molested by religious figures of all denominations, including nuns, rabbis, bishops, and Protestant ministers. Our website is

Contact - David Clohessy (314-566-9790 cell, [email protected]), Barbara Dorris (314-503-0003 cell, [email protected]), Barbara Blaine (312-399-4747[email protected])

Showing 4 comments

  • Mark Sanchez
    commented 2016-02-10 15:56:25 -0600
    My name is Mark and I am a Survivor. Please, allow me to give you a brief background of myself. Before, I respond to this sad story about a girl from 1960 McAllen Texas; a girl who trusted a Catholic priest…Unlike myself, she is dead. Because, like all of us, she trusted a Catholic priest— I pledge to honor and fight for her…And for every victim like her, and for Survivors everywhere. The many who have floated adrift upon the Vatican’s Holy See of fire. I am a Survivor! From the San Antonio Texas Archdiocese…And, in 1976 and 1977, I was a trusting Alter Boy at Sacred Heart School and Church in Floresville Texas…Father Louis P. White preyed upon me, and he sexually assaulted me over 60 times. And, my once beloved parish, helped Father Louis P. White escape punishment. So Father Lou could enjoy his life and many freedoms to come and go as he please’s. The Same As; The Sacred Heart parish did in 1960 McAllen Texas—After reading about 1960 McAllen Texas, and the girl who trusted a Catholic priest…I consider myself lucky— And unlike the girl from 1960 McAllen Texas; I had the pleasure of watching a movie. I watched Spotlight again. Only this time, I watched Spotlight in Culver City California. Along with many other Survivor’s— Each of them sharing personal stories as compelling as my own. We will become Legion—Thus, The movie Spotlight is important. One scene in the movie; when Mark Ruffalo and Stanley are in a pub…and mainly Stanley Tuccis’ character— Mitchell Garabedian says; “It takes a village.” Those four words ring true. And, once the bell has been rung; you can’t Unring the bell: Here are my thoughts about a girl, who trusted a Catholic priest, in 1960 McAllen Texas. —For 56 years, the former Catholic priest named Father John Feit, remained a free man. For 56 years, this victims family was condemned to Purgatory by the Catholic church. Today, FEB 10 2016, there are many question that remain, and they need to be answered. Questions about Father Johns whereabouts—For example—How many other victims did Father John create…in his 56 years as a free man? And, how many people did Father John kill along the way? How many were children? Children, who, also may have been reported as missing from the area in 1960 McAllen Texas? Because today, in 2016 McAllen Texas, the preponderance of evidence indicates. Father John raped and murdered this young and trusting popular girl, from Sacred Heart Catholic Church in 1960 McAllen Texas. Afterwards, Father John was protected by the Catholic Church, and by the Vatican in Rome…For 56 years, Father John enjoyed his life, and his freedom to come and go as he please’s. Furthermore, I must not forget to give credit, where credit is due: For the many lay-people and parishoner’s, who made possible, and helped dear Father John to remain a free man for 56 years…Their combined silence was indeed golden—And, the Archdiocese of McAllen Texas has enjoyed the golden silence for 56 years—Time’s Up Boy’s—Priest are not celibate. — Please, Watch Spotlight— Support SNAP and
  • Francis McMaster
    commented 2016-02-10 10:34:50 -0600
    You could say finally, but actually every ‘action’ that brings justice to survivors, fatalities, supporters and their families, has a timeline that is extended by inaction; and reduced by the power, tenacity and work of the Survivors Network! ‘If not for you the winter would hold no spring, couldn’t hear a robin sing, I just wouldn’t have a clue, if not for you’ [Bob Dylan]! In my personal Hall of Fame there is a special place in the heart for Barbara Blaine, Barbara Dorris, and all of the Networkers. Every day I look for inspirational messengers who reach for a better intention for humankind, this is the heart of that intention, but without the action, intentions are dust in the wind. The smallest act can make a difference, like the vote that you cast for removing a biased prosecutor, or simply watching SPOTLIGHT and spreading the word to friends and family. The point is that everyone can make the change to that better world we seek for all our children and all the survivors who stand on the front line of the struggle. COURAGE! Francis
  • Loyolaalum Snap
    commented 2016-02-10 10:31:34 -0600
    This brings to mind the suspicious death of Jesuit Fr. James Chevedden. The last person to see Fr. Chevedden, 56 alive from Chevedden’s residence was Fr. Jerold Lindner. (Lindner’s alleged sex abuse victims were eventually paid $3 million by the Jesuit Order.)

    Fr. Chevedden had reported to Fr. Thomas Smolich, who later became the top USA Jesuit, that he was a victim of sexual assault by a Jesuit friend of Fr. Lindner (who eventually registered as a California sex offender). Fr. Smolich tried to sweep Chevedden’s report under the rug. Lindner was lucky – apparently the police gave special treatment to the Jesuit Order and never questioned Lindner.
  • @ tweeted this page. 2016-02-09 22:54:33 -0600

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