AUS - SNAP looks forward to the Royal Commission
As the royal commission begins we stand full of gratitude and hope, gratitude to the Prime Minister and those in the government who have made this possible and hope that children of Australia will be safe as a result.
We seek the full truth and want complete transparency. The response should be compassionate toward the wounded and stinging for the predators and their enablers.
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I think his article is very inclusive and comprehensive when dealing with this whole issue and the complexity involved in resolution of the problems and healing for the victims.
I hope and pray that the Australian Royal Commission itself, will in fact be able to accomplish as much. And to resolve most, if not all, of what Mr. Zwartz has so very cogently reported as the problem(s), and so many possible solutions.
Lani Halter
ps I just read Joan Ball’s comment, and have decided to add that I agree with her sentiment and would actually go so far as to say that I believe that there should be new laws in my country, the U.S.A., that allow for the death penalty to be given to convicted pedophiles, in extreme cases, where death of the victim resulted from the pedophile’s acts. Sadly, I don’t think that the Catholic church could ever fully compensate ALL of the victims of Catholic priest and laity pedophiles, because THERE ARE SO MANY VICTIMS. It isn’t just the victim but also, the (countless) victim’s families as well, who suffer and are victimized. Have HOPE, Joan. These calls to justice are growing, worldwide. The momentum is gathering, and we need to keep it going!