At least 400 in US say they were molested by nuns
Some 400 adults in the US report having been sexually violated as youngsters by at least 88 Catholic nuns.
That’s the estimate from, a respected, neutral archive that tracks the church’s on-going clergy sex abuse and cover up crisis.
My heart goes out to Steve, Mary, Landa, Gabe, Ann and all the rest who were sexually violated by nuns. It must be especially hard for them since abuse by nuns gets so little media attention and since many Catholics rally around the nuns because the Vatican is so clumsily trying to “crack down” on them.
I hope every person –young or old, man, woman or teenager – who has been abused, manipulated, or exploited by nuns will find the strength to speak up, get help, protect others and expose those who commit or conceal heinous crimes against innocent kids and vulnerable adults.