Anchorage priest loses ministry over abuse allegations
The Catholic Archdiocese of Anchorage is moving forward with plans to defrock a long-time priest suspected of inappropriate behavior with five women. In 2009, the archdiocese forced Father J. Michael Hornick to resign for inappropriate physical contact with two adult women, according to a Catholic Anchor Online article dated May 2011.
After another complaint surfaced in January 2011, the archdiocese immediately suspended Hornick of all priestly ministries; he could no longer identify himself as a priest or wear priestly clothing, the Catholic Anchor reported.
Archdiocese spokesman Father Thomas Brundage told KTVA the priest broke the church's code of conduct with "occasional touches, and then attempts at kissing."
Two more women came forward since that time with similar allegations that occurred decades ago when they were minors, Brundage told the Associated Press on Tuesday.
Brundage told AP that Hornick denies the new allegations. The archdiocese is asking that people come forward if they were harmed by Hornick or other church personnel, he said.
Hornick served in Anchorage for more than 40 years.
The first accusation against the priest was repor...