Act 20
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This Act is now closed. Thank you to those who completed Act 20.
What: Archbishop Nienstedt and Auxiliary Bishop Piche resigned from the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis on Monday - ten days after the Ramsey County attorney's office filed a criminal complaint detailing their alleged roles in protecting a predatory priest. Neither admits to concealing sexual predators. Instead, they claim to be resigning because their connection with the accusations distract from the Church's good works. They will be replaced, and church officials make no mention of taking action to expose and punish clergy who commit or cover up abuse.
Why: Church leaders describe Nienstedt and Piche's resignations as "an opportunity for greater healing and the ability to move forward." But the Catholic Church's priority should be protecting vulnerable children, not moving on and "healing" from Nienstedt and Piche's exposure. The apostolic administrator for the Twin Cities archdiocese admitted that his job is "not to introduce change, but rather to facilitate the smooth continuation of the ordinary and essential activities of the Church." But change is exactly what is required to safeguard children. The Church must expose, terminate, and cooperate in the criminal prosecution of every official who commits or conceals sex crimes.
How to complete Act 20: Comment on the article - Twin Cities archdiocese resignations make way for healing, change, church leaders say
As you plan what you want to say, consider these points:
- Emphasize that parishioners need concrete change that protects vulnerable children, not "healing and hope."
- Stress that Nienstadt and Piche resigned not because they admitted to concealing sexual predators, but rather to put distance between the accusations and the Archdiocese.
- State that the Catholic Church must take immediate action to expose, terminate, and prosecute clergy who commit or conceal sexual abuse.
Or copy and paste this statement of support:
The Catholic Church's priority should be protecting children, not moving on and "healing" from Nienstedt and Piche's exposure. It must take immediate action to terminate and cooperate in the criminal prosecution of every official who commits or conceals sex crimes.
When: Please take action by next Thursday, June 25.
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1) Check the box below that says "I Completed Act 20."
2) Show the Team what you've done! Copy and paste your comment into the blue section below marked COMMENTS.
And let us know if you have questions - we're here to help! Email us at [email protected] with questions or concerns.
Remember – your voice counts! When we expose the lies, we stand up for victims and take power away from the abusers. When we all speak out together, we create a movement that the world cannot ignore.
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SNAP Action Team
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Showing 4 comments
If you have experienced, witnessed or suspected child sexual abuse, tell the professionals in law enforcement. There are people who will believe you and support you.
The safety and wellbeing of children must be of primary importance. Does their resignation
protect children or help those who were cruelly sexually abused as children? No.
Resignation is not enough.