Help Support Our 2021 Annual Conference
Now we need your help. The cost of virtual technology needed for the conference exceeds $25,000, but fortunately, we have received a generous offer from Mitch Garabedian to match up to $10,000 to help defray the costs. Now we are asking you: Can you help us match Mitch’s generous offer and raise $10,000 in support of our conference?
Whether you are able to donate or not, please share this special GoFundMe matching gift fundraiser to support this year’s Annual Conference via your personal email, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media accounts.
SNAP needs your help and your generosity to achieve our $10,000 goal.
Thank you for your support!
SNAP is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. No goods and/or services will be received in exchange for your donation. Our tax-deductible ID number is 36-4154398.
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