We invite you to place an advertisement in the 2022 SNAP Annual Conference program book. This is an exciting opportunity to send in an old favorite ad or create a new ad to celebrate a weekend of healing and prevention. Promote your book, honor a survivor, tell us about your organization — the possibilities are endless!
This year’s Annual Conference will return to its pre-pandemic, in-person format, and the conference will be held in Denver, Colorado, from July 22-24. We anticipate a large crowd this year as members of our SNAP network are excited about seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Your contribution to the program book is an integral part of our conference and will play a role in strengthening our SNAP community and making members feel welcome and not alone.
Ads will be accessible to all who attend our Annual Conference, giving you maximum exposure to our community.
Interior Ad Space Options (B&W, Grayscale, or Color)
Special Color-Only Ad Space Options
Full-Page Ad: $500 Ad Book Size: 71/2” x 10”
Centerfold Ad: $2,000 Ad Book Size: two full-page ads combined
Half-Page Ad: $250 Ad Book Size: 71/2” x 5”
Inside Front Cover: $1,500 Ad Book Size: 71/2” x 10” Already Reserved
Quarter-Page Ad: $135 Ad Book Size: 33/4” x 5”
Inside Back Cover: $1,500 Ad Book Size: 71/2” x 10” Already Reserved
Eighth-Page Ad: $75 Ad Book Size: standard business card size
Back Cover: $1,500 Ad Book Size: 71/2” x 10” Already Reserved
Place your ad by Friday, June 24, 2022. This is a hard deadline. Submissions will not be accepted after this date and unpaid ads will not run in the program book. Also note that no price difference exists between interior black-and-white, grayscale and color ads, and that your ad must be camera-ready as we will not be making any ad revisions.
Email your fully designed ad with at least 300 dpi resolution to Patrick Price, Fundraising and Development Manager, at [email protected]. PDF, JPEG, Word or Publisher documents are all acceptable.
Mail a check with “ad book” printed in the memo line to Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, PO Box 16376, Chicago IL, 60616.
Pay online by credit card. Follow the instructions in the slidebar.
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