Conference Schedule
Friday, July 6, 2018 at 7 PM
Sunday, July 8, 2018 at 12 Noon
Friday, July 6th General Session (Adams Room)
7:00 PM Welcome Larry Antonsen, local Chicago leader
Introductory remarks Tim Lennon
7:15 Escaping Fundamentalist Religion: My Story Ashley Easter
7:45 Lessons on Exposing Your Church as a Pedophile-Protecting Racket Gustavo Arellano Miranda
8:15 International Panel
- SNAP cooperation and the Situation of Survivors in Poland - Marek Lisinski
- Australia: Leaders in the Accountability/Survivor Justice Movement - Steve Spaner
- Localizing the Global: What Justice & Accountability Must Feel Like - Pamela Spees
- Chile Video - Juan Carlos Cruz
9:30 Ice Cream Social (Monroe Room)
Saturday, July 7th General Session(Adams Room)
7:00 Morning walk-
8:40 am Welcome and Housekeeping Becky Ianni
8:45 When Faith Hurts: Understanding and Responding to the Spiritual Impact of Child Abuse Victor Veith
10:15 Break
10:30 Breakout Session #1
11:45 Lunch
1:15 How the Wound that Will Not Heal has Changed History Tom Doyle
1:45 Thirty Years Strong, Because of You! Mitchell Garabedian
2:10 Break
2:20 Breakout Session #2
3:30 An Amish Spring: The Rise of a New Leadership - Torah Bontrager
4:00 Takeaways from a Crucial Year: Chile, Australia, Pennsylvania - Terry McKieran and Anne Barrett Doyle
4:30 Break
4:45 Breakout session #3
6:00 Dinner Break
6:00 Friends of Bill W (Spire Parlor)
7:30 Australian Documentary: Undeniable, Q & A with Chrissie Foster(Adams Room)
Sunday, July 8th General Session (Adams Room)
7:00 AM Morning Walk
9:00 Bring Your Own Change, Finding My Voice - Jodi Hobbs
9:40 Taking Charge of Your Trauma Brain - Rachel Grant
10:20 #MeToo and religious communities - Guila Benchimol
11:00 Barbara Blaine Founders Award
11:30 Looking Ahead Tim Lennon, Chairman of the Board
11:50 Evaluations and send off
Workshops and Breakout Sessions here