Breakout Session One
Art Therapy: Connecting Mind and Body—Aisling Kerns (Shakespeare House)
An individual art therapy experience; we will focus on the awareness of the mind and the body. We will take time to consider and discuss the connection between the mind and the body. We make art to represent these connections.
Blogging and Social Media—Amy Smith & Jean Barilla (Lake House)
Social media and blogging platforms are wonderful ways to spread the word about victims’ rights, SNAP news, and other issues surrounding child sexual abuse. But how do you get set up? How do you start the conversation? And once the conversation begins, how do you keep things healthy and civil? Amy and Jean will lead attendees through a “crash course” on blogging and social media basics. They will leave with tools that can help create healthy conversations that can help change opinion in the most important court of all: the court of public opinion.
SOL Reform: What’s New—Marci Hamilton and Anne Clark (American House)
Marci A. Hamilton is one of the leading church/state scholars. She will discuss the tactics to further SOL Reform across the US and globally based on her experience and research on these issues. Anne Clark, SNAP SOL Advocate, will bring you up to date with the current legislative bills before the U.S. Congress. Learn how to lobby for SOL reform both in your state and at the Federal level. Materials will be provided.
Legal Issues—Plaintiffs Attorneys (Western Stage House)
Many survivors struggle with the decision of whether suing the church is helpful or harmful. This workshop will explore the pros and cons of the issue. The legal system is often frightening and confusing for survivors, and this is a chance to ask questions. We will discuss how to assess the facts to determine if filing is appropriate. We will also discuss alternatives if you are not able to file.
Men's Support Group—Dave O'Regan & Tim Lennon (Merchants Hotel South)
This session focuses on the special needs of male survivors and includes a confidential, participatory support group meeting for men. This is a chance to meet with other survivors in a safe setting and learn from others’ experiences. Men are often forced to keep sexual attacks a secret for fear of being labeled weak. This session will help explore ways for men to dispel this myth. While every participant will have the opportunity to speak, no one will be required to do so.
Women's Support Group—Dottie Klammer & Gail Howard (Merchants Hotel North)
Meet with others who have “walked a mile in your shoes” and get some of the affirmation you deserve! Focusing on the unique needs of female survivors this session explores ways to educate about and cope with rape and sexual violence, reduce guilt and shame even if society “blames” the victim and discuss whether to report these crimes, especially years later. The session will include a self-help support meeting where everyone will be able to share, but no one is required to do so. For those who do not speak please know that listening is recognized and appreciated as a gift.
Building an International Movement of Survivors and Using International Bodies to Help Survivors and Protect Children—Pam Spees, Katherine Gallagher, Alberto Athie and Marek Lisinski (Steamboat Hotel)
This session will introduce participants to the efforts of SNAP and the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) in international human rights bodies at the United Nations. Survivors will provide updates on the work in other countries.
Breakout Session Two
Group Art Experience—Daniel Lanctot (Shakespeare House)
Responding to the SNAP Conference through a group art experience. This workshop will involve
participants working as a group in an art therapy session. Participants will create art relating to
their experiences at the SNAP Conference. The final product created will be shared with all
participants at the conference. No special talent or prior experience are necessary. Everyone is
Family Support—Mary Ellen Kruger and Judy Lorenz (Merchants Hotel North)
Sexual abuse of one family member invariably affects all members of the family. In this session,
you can share your stories and feelings about how the abuse of a loved one has affected you, your
family, or those around you. This session will tackle the question of “how can we heal from
secondary abuse?” and “how do we help a loved one heal?” and will rely on the experiences of those
in the group to help provide answers.
Abuse of Vulnerable Adults—Peter Isely (Merchants Hotel South)
Those abused as adults endure the same kind of horrific consequences as children, but are often
overlooked or marginalized. This workshop focuses on the needs of this special group. It will
include discussions focusing on the unique point of view of the adult survivor, and will provide
opportunities to ask questions and receive support.
Using Traditional and Social Media to Reach Survivors & Expose Predators—
David Clohessy & Joelle Casteix (Steamboat Hotel)
Working with media and using social media to reach survivors and expose wrongdoers.
This workshop will focus on how talking with media and using blogging platforms can not only help
victims heal but also protect others. David and Joelle will teach skills to get journalist’s
attention, motivate volunteers, stay on message and reach other survivors. It will also include a
crash course on blogging basics, giving you the tools to change opinions in the most important
court of all: the court of public opinion.
Freewheeling Discussion—Plus a Quick Tour of the Australian Archives— Terry McKiernan & Anne
Barrett Doyle (Sauganash Ballroom) will facilitate our usual freewheeling discussion – come for good
conversation on whatever topics motivate and concern you. Our own contribution to the session will
be a lickety-split tour of the documents from the Australian Royal Commission, most definitely
including Cardinal Pell. The Australian files and experience are crucial for us all. Participants
will be given a convenient little anthology from that vast archive. Join us to talk about
everything, from Altoona to Osorno to Ballarat to Rome!
Listening, Learning and Loving Again: a Survivors Guide to Healthy Living— Tom Doyle & Patrick Wall (Western Stage House)
The session will discuss approaches and techniques which promote spiritual renewal, healthy habits
and total wellness.
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