WA- Predator priest is now at Catholic college

Predator priest is now at Catholic college

For at least seven years, he worked in Seattle

Cleric is accused of molesting two Alaskan boys

Church officials claim he has 24-hour supervision

But he now works in “campus ministry” at Gonzaga

Group wants Seattle & Spokane prelates to “warn their flocks

And they want Jesuit officials to “oust priest & explain their recklessness


Holding signs and childhood photos at a sidewalk news conference, clergy sex abuse victims and their supporters will urge Catholic bishops in Seattle and Spokane to

--warn their flocks about a twice-accused and once-suspended predator priest who now works at a college,

–publicly denounce the Jesuits who put him there, and

– permanently post on their websites the names, photos and whereabouts of child molesting lcerics who have worked in their dioceses.

The group will also prod Jesuit officials to

– suspend this predator, for the safety of college students and staff,

– explain and apologize for their “reckless and callous” decision to put him back to work, and

– also post predators' names, photos and whereabouts on their websites.


Monday, June 16 at 1:00 pm


On the sidewalk outside the Seattle Catholic archdiocesan headquarters (“chancery”) 710 9th Ave. (corner of Cherry St.) in downtown Seattle


Three-four members of a support group called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAPnetwork.org)


A once-suspended Catholic priest - who worked in Seattle for seven years and is allegedly under 24-hour supervision - now works with Gonzaga University students despite at least two allegations that he molested kids.

The Gonzaga University website shows that Fr. Bradley "Brad" R. Reynolds is the assistant director of campus ministry. And Catholic church records show that Fr. Reynolds was put on leave by his Catholic supervisors in August 2008 when he was sued by two men who say he repeatedly molested them in Alaska.

Fr. Reynolds worked in Seattle from 1983-1990 at Seattle University. Both Gonzaga and Seattle University are Jesuit institutions. But Jesuit priests can only work in a diocese with the permission of the local bishop, SNAP says. So the group is begging Seattle Archbishop Peter Sartain and Spokane Bishop Blase Cupich to warn the public and their parishioners about Fr. Reynolds, insist that Jesuits suspend him and “aggressively reach out” to others he may have hurt.

In January 2009, Jesuit officials sent Fr. Reynolds to a Portland Jesuit community to allegedly live under 24-hour supervision. http://www.bishop-accountability.org/news2009/01_02/2009_01_22_Smetzer_FairbanksJudge.htm

However, SNAP has recently learned that Fr. Reynolds has quietly been put back on the job.       http://www.gonzaga.edu/About/Mission/Jesuit-Community/Meet-the-Jesuits.asp  and http://www.gonzaga.edu/About/Mission/University-Ministry/contact-us.asp

“Catholic officials let Fr. Reynolds work in two countries and several states in jobs where he had direct access to kids and today, he still does," said David Clohessy of St. Louis, SNAP’s director. “Now, they have a moral duty to keep him away from youngsters and a civic duty to help police see if he can be prosecuted.”

“The odds are that there’s at least one person in Washington who was assaulted by Fr. Reynolds,” said Barbara Dorris of St. Louis, SNAP’s outreach director. “That person may well be struggling today with suicidal thoughts, addictions, shame, isolation, depression or self-blame. He or she needs to be found and helped and reassured that the abuse wasn’t their fault and that healing is possible.”

Fr. Reynolds' alleged victims were represented by attorney Jim Valcarce of Bethel, Alaska.

According to an Alaska newspaper, Fr. Reynolds is “a well-known photographer and author of the Father Townsend mystery book series.”

Fr. Reynolds also worked as a priest in Colombia, South America and in Oregon and Virginia. His complete assignment history can be found here: http://www.bishopaccountability.org/assign/Reynolds_Bradley_R_sj.htm


Barbara Dorris (314-503-0003 cell, [email protected] ), David Clohessy (314-566-790 cell, [email protected]), Robert Fontana (509-731-6012 cell, [email protected])

Showing 8 comments

  • Irving Sambolin
    commented 2015-12-05 19:22:16 -0600
    He’s still at Gonzaga in Spokane in campus ministry. And why do you all continue to call him “Father” Reynolds? This man was instrumental in barring me from priesthood after over 30 years of discernment over my vocation, with glowing references, and almost a sure-thing two-thumbs-up from my vocation director, an indirect reference from an archbishop, after passing all tests, and after decades of rubbing elbows with the elite of the church. At least I would not have disrespected the trust of my faithful, especially those more naive than I.
  • Friend E
    commented 2014-06-29 22:21:24 -0500
    The article above evoked concern, sadness and anger in me, but no longer surprise. I plan to follow up with the websites given below, thank you. I hope to attend my first SNAP support group this Tues. Eve in NJ. I have a voice and It may have taken decades, but the silence is broken and I will use it. As for my recent experience with Iona that began only seeking emotional closure, In the process I received an unexpected education in The REAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WORDS AND DEEDS. Had I not finally been so driven to pursue my own search when told “they could not find any Catholic Priest by the name I gave them (spelling off by one letter) who attended Iona during the time frame I gave them” I would have walked away duped again. As for the above article, again, actions talk louder then words. It is very frightening.
  • Jeanne Marron
    commented 2014-06-29 08:48:58 -0500
    Elizabeth Merrit,
    Here’s a website for the status of SOL in various states: http://sol-reform.com/News/home/
    Here is Marge Markey’s website on NY’s CVA: http://assembly.state.ny.us/mem/Margaret-M-Markey/comm/
    I have some ideas I am in the preliminary stages of mulling over re approaching some entities related to what had taken place at Iona. If you are interested in collaborating, please let me know and we can figure out how to discuss directly.
    Also, if you are connected to a SNAP support group meeting in the NY or NJ area that has women who were abused attending, I would very much appreciate knowing which chapter.
    It’s good to connect! Jeanne
  • Friend E
    commented 2014-06-28 23:21:09 -0500
    Jeanne Marron, Thank you for sharing your reaction. I have come to terms with the realization of the coverups which was difficult but empowering to face it. Any direction you can offer would be greatly appreciated. This past year I have learned so much from SNAP and suggested reading. There must have been a purpose even decades after the fact. I am certain of one thing for, one you come out of the silence……….for me at least there will be NO TURNING. The statue of limitations must be abolished for these crimes of sexual abuse because for many of us it does take decades to come to terms with it…
  • Jeanne Marron
    commented 2014-06-28 16:34:22 -0500
    Elizabeth – I am a grad of Iona as well and know all to well of the unholy things that took place there and at schools and other institutions run by the Christian Brothers. My abuser is also still out there, no longer a brother, but still has access to youth. The Statute of Limitations for criminal and civil actions must be amended to allow for justice, accountability and most importantly to stop these predators from destroying additional lives. We need to pressure the NY legislature to pass Marge Markey’s Child Victims Act as a first step. Consider appealing to NY Governor Cuomo as well. His sister is an Iona grad and his dad spoke at our graduation when he was governor. Similarly, there is legislation in NJ to extend the SOL. The variance in recourse that survivors have across states is shameful.
  • Barbara and Mathias Garcia Boehland
    commented 2014-06-17 13:17:49 -0500
    Outrageous! I hope the Association Against Sexual Assault , that is been put in place recently will step in!
  • Friend E
    commented 2014-06-16 20:36:31 -0500
    Decades after living with the shame and guilt of having repeated sex in the rectory with Father Alousius J D’Dilva who was counseling me as a troubled teen while he was attending Iona College for his Graduate degree in Pastoral Counseling I finally, all these years later had the courage to report this predator priest to the college officials hoping for some emotional closure. I was told “they were not able to find anyone in attendance by that name during that time frame” The spoken and printed promises of “Integrity, Transparency, and Ethics” by many of these Catholic institutions for higher education are ONLY WORDS when it comes to these predator priests. When I located his Obituary from 2005 in Charlotte NC, with the schools he received degrees from on my own research with his photo and presented it to the College I was told “they conducted another search with the spelling of the last lame (off by one letter) from the Obituary I found for them, and they did find his name” From mid Westchester, to northern Westchester, to Ridgefield Conn. to NC he counseled others, and had contact with many troubled teens and young children. Father D’Silva is dead and it took years for me to break the silence. The above Fr. Reynolds is alive, how many more young victims need to live with the shame and guilt. When do the Civil Authorities step in? Lets see the action on the Popes promises that have been made on this one!
  • @ tweeted this page. 2014-06-16 10:12:45 -0500

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