SNAP: Stories for Living

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People who inspire me to keep on keeping on.

Having been abused as a child, this time of the year that is geared to the heart of the inner child in all of us, is difficult. My biggest inspirations come from my family. My husband helps me to remember the blessings that are mine at this moment. He understands my pain, but helps to keep me focused on the now. This is really important to me and to my well being. He is such a wonderfully gentle person who can just sit and be with me when I need it the most.  

My grown children are also an inspiration to me. They each have faced their share of adversities, and yet they don’t allow those adversities to diminish the joy of the holiday season. We can be together, understand that there is pain in the experiences of the holidays but also help each other to just live in the moment of now. 

Finally, I have nine wonderful grandchildren. I can look at the holiday through their untainted eyes – and experience the holiday as I wasn’t able to do so as a child. The joy and wonder of the season is reflected in their smiles and resounds in their giggles and laughter.

Note: this story is from 2007. View other 2007 stories and 2007 voting results. View current stories.
