

Roster of Statements


The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests

SNAP Press Statement


April 1, 2008

SNAP statement about new Legion of Christ school in Chicago

Statement by Barbara Blaine of Chicago, President of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (312 399 4747)

This controversial, secretive, cult-like religious order was founded and headed for decades by a high profile child molester who faced dozens of accusers and was ultimately disciplined by the Pope himself. We are very worried about the safety and well being of kids in this unhealthy atmosphere and hope that parents will thoroughly research the troubled and troubling history of the Legion before enrolling their kids here.  

David Clohessy (314-566-9790 cell, 314-645-5915 home)
Barbara Dorris (314-862-7688)

Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests